Minecraft Data Packs / Other

EndLaser - A defensive and trap datapack

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adg155's Avatar adg155
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
A list of my personal "HELP!"s in making defences:
"Help! I need more defenses in my house!"
"Help! I need traps in my creations! (and other stuff)"
"Help! Iron Golems and his friends don't do their jobs!" (Also including Thomas and friends)
"Help! I want spikes in Minecraft!"
"Help! I want my base to have Laser Doors!"
"Help! I'm tired of thinking other helps to add here!"

So I, made a datapack that solves all of the "helps" above this stanza I need.
Introducing the :
EndLaser Datapack!

[Warning: End Lasers are dangerous to your pet and your child's health]

This datapack will turn Horizontal End Rods into Deadly Laser beams and vertical ones into Pointy Sharp Spikes! "eeey"
It will inflict damage to mobs near end rods! Except players. I don't want to kill yourself accidentally and rage quit.
It wouldn't damage players so it wouldn't kill you after placing the end rod. Sorry Multiplayer Griefers and Defenders against other players.
Lasers and Spikes will kill an Unprotected Zombie (no armor and weapons) in 3 seconds (only if they stayed near the rod.)

Current Bugs:
1. Will never kill players.

Works on worlds in 1.13 and above. (If you use 1.14 and you're curious if this also damages the new mobs, it is. Poor pandas wanna get on your base)
To Install:
Place the .zip file inside of datapacks folder in your world folder.
EX: "...\.minecraft\saves\my_world\datapacks\<.zip file>"

[READ ME!] Notes:
1. Will never kill players.
2. I'll rephrase, end rods will never kill players.

3. End Rods will not visually look like lasers or spikes, just the default texture or with resource packs.

Datapack by: adg175
Thanks for viewing!
CreditMe self
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

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06/03/2019 3:32 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
PieCreeper12's Avatar
Can you make it so end rods CAN kill players? I do not like how they effect players and mobs differently.
03/19/2019 2:04 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Technodono's Avatar
ok man... business done also ur data packs are real cool
03/12/2019 9:12 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Technodono's Avatar
I had a looked at your code and was wondering if i could take some inspiration from this project and make my own project based off it. beacons protect players from mobs? It's not copying code but I was just wondering if i could maybe base my code of yours. If not then i will discontinue the project. Also i will give you the respected credit for help with the code if need be. and also it doesn't work like the lasers exactly so...
03/12/2019 11:55 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
adg155's Avatar
Yes, sure. You can! If it is for your server then you don't need to credit me, but if you will post it publicly, its up to you if you like to credit me or not. In the past I thought of something that I should also make a private datapack that turns beacons into lasers but then you already have the idea lolz
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