Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Ender XP Datapack (Old)

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    MichaelMiner137's Avatar MichaelMiner137
    Level 24 : Expert Engineer
    Have you ever wanted to store that sweet well earned XP, well now you can!

    For more info and download link visit my google site: https://goo.gl/QpXXk4
    NOTE: Levels gained by using the command "/xp add @p [​amount] levels" will not work. I am unable to fix this through a strange bug. If you want to give yourself XP use the command /xp add @p [​amount] points" and use this Calculator to figure out how many XP points you need for a level.

    Install - Instructions

    1. Download file from Link

    2. Unzip file and put inside of .minecraft/saves/(world)/datapacks

    3. To turn on, Type /function enderxp:control/start

    Uninstall - Instructions

    1. To turn off, Type /function enderxp:control/stop

    (This will give online players there stored XP up to 10,000 the rest will be deleted)

    2. Delete "MichaelMods_EnderXP" from .minecraft/saves/(world)/datapacks
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

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    06/03/2024 10:40 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Goblin Goblin
    Finnodile's Avatar
    here before pmc locks the comments!
    09/23/2018 8:00 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    Nericu's Avatar
    Is there any way to change the display to equal how many levels it would be instead of the total amount of xp?
    09/28/2018 6:17 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Engineer
    MichaelMiner137's Avatar
    I'm slightly confused on what you mean so either:

    Could I input and output Levels instead of XP Points?
    That is possible however if you do it that way you could easily exploit it because getting from Level 0 to Level 30 requires 1395 XP however Level 0 to Level 1 requires 7 XP so you could just put in 1 level at a time meaning you only need 210 XP for Level 30.

    Could it display Levels instead of Points?
    Each level requires more points than the last meaning I would have to hard code different amounts for every single level which would take a lot of time and would be confusing if they got more levels than what I had hard coded and it suddenly changed to display Points.

    Hope this helps explain it, if you have any more questions I would be happy to answer, just message me.
    09/28/2018 8:04 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
    Nericu's Avatar
    Yeah I did some research on it after I commented it and realized how much of a pain in it would be to do, no worries, I have just been writing down how much is to the amount of levels. ie 6k = 52 levels
    07/28/2018 7:46 pm
    Level 57 : Grandmaster Cyborg
    AlexDAM's Avatar
    i really like this but i found a problem the ender chest only stores 2648 witch is only 38 and a half so can you make it store more experience i mean if you can't store at least 1000 levels in it what is the point?
    07/29/2018 5:20 pm
    Level 24 : Expert Engineer
    MichaelMiner137's Avatar
    I just tested it and it holds an endless amount as usual. Maybe you could re download it?
    If you have further problems send me a video or pictures of the problem.

    Here's how to add and remove the scoreboards:
    1. To add the scoreboards needed type "/function enderxp:control/start"
    2. To remove the scoreboards type "/function enderxp:control/stop"
    NOTE: This will only give back 10,000 XP and will delete the rest so make sure to manually take it out if you have more stored inside
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