Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Elemental Wizardry

  • check_circle Functions
  • check_circle Predicates
  • check_circle Recipes
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Diesse's Avatar Diesse
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist

Elemental Wizardry

This datapack adds a lot of feature, inspired at some mechanics in some games like Tomb Rider and some magic game.


Charisma. Doing bad actions you will have a bad reputation and bad things will happen to you.

Skills. Shifting next to a campfire you can see a skill indicator in the chat. You can level up these skills gaining abilities;

Magic Skill. One of these skills is the ability to bend the elements with the magic and Magic Wand. Craftig of the magic wand

Magic Spell
. You can get these magic left-clicking with the Spell in the mainhand. In the chat will appear a message with all the magic you've unlocked
and you can get on the Empty Spell.

Crafting of the Empty Scroll

. Sleeping in your bed you'll regenerate the health but you will become hungry!

Spanwer Boss. A boss of the dungeon, in the dungeon room you have a chance to find this boss instead of vanilla's spawner. But is just a concept :). You can fight it with the command.
/function diesse:rpg/spawner_boss/summon
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
toMinecraft 1.20

1 Update Logs

Fixed Bugs : by Diesse 07/02/2024 11:18:55 amJul 2nd

The message the datapack send you when you try to enchant the magic spell is fixed.

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07/01/2024 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BloxBlex's Avatar
cool :)
07/01/2024 5:26 pm
He/Him • Level 9 : Apprentice Artist
Diesse's Avatar
Thank man! another datapack coming soon. Dynamic Light. I am waiting the moderators publish the project ahahha
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