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    alkexr's Avatar alkexr
    Level 23 : Expert Miner


    • Generally vanilla feel
    • The world "makes more sense" on the larger scale (for example, continents are separated by oceans)
    • Numerous tweaks to terrain shapes
    • Biomes larger than in vanilla (but smaller than "large biomes")
    • Mild impact on performance
    • Stable and reliable
    • Likely to stay compatible with future Minceraft versions (no guarantees though!)

    This might be for you if...

    • if you like to connect your builds with road networks and bridges
    • if you like to use the natural terrain and work with it, instead of seeing it as an obstacle to be terraformed away
    • if you care about the "strategic importance" of castles guarding important passes, bridges spanning narrow straits, port cities nestled in natural harbors, rich towns along important trade routes, etc.
    • if you care how your builds are interconnected
    • if you like to... worldbuild

    Features: Continents

    • Dry land forms continents separated by oceans
    • Landmasses of any size: tiny islands,, large islands, small continents, large continents, the biggest ones streching on for tens of thousands of blocks
    • Detailed and varied coastlines
    • Islands are often in places that makes sense, like next to a continent just off-shore, or as part of an archipelago
    • Continents are often separated by a narrow strait, or connected by a narrow isthmus

    Features: Rivers and Valleys

    • Branching river systems
    • Rivers are more likely to actually lead somewhere instead of just going in circles
    • Rivers are less likely to end abruptly: they can cut through mountains, forming narrow gorges
    • Rivers aren't all over the place, not all valleys have a river in them
    • Rivers are less likely to be messed up by big cave entrances
    • Rivers can have islands in them

    Features: Mountains and Ridges

    • Generally more hilly terrain, but large flat regions do exist
    • Mountains often form long, narrow chains
    • More varied hill and mountain shapes
    • Larger regions of "windswept" terrain

    Features: Biomes

    • Mostly the same as in vanilla
    • Biomes are somewhat larger than vanilla
    • Biomes of different climates tend to be further apart (as a side effect, you may need to explore quite a bit to find a hot or frozen biome)
    • "Positive weirdness" biome variants are less common (ice spikes, for example). In vanilla, positive weirdness covers 50% of the world, in Eldor it's only 33%.
    • Mushroom islands are actually islands, and have these strange alien shapes. (This was a bug, but I promoted it to a feature.)

    Stability and Performance

    • Chunks generate slower than in vanilla, but you probably won't notice much of an impact during normal survival play
    • If you want to elytra-fly into new chunks though, you may need a strong PC
    • Extensively tested. I encountered no crashes or glitches in 100+ hours of exploration.
    • Quirky terrain generation does happen sometimes, but nothing beyond what we all expect from Minecraft


    • Changes as few vanilla files as possible, so it should be technically compatible with most other world generation datapacks
    • "Technically compatible" doesn't necessarily mean "practically compatible". You may get strange results.
    • Generally, datapacks that improve biomes or add new ones should work perfectly fine with Eldor
    • I tried to make it as safe as possible for long-term worlds. I expect it to stay compatible with future versions of Minecraft. (No promises. Ultimately, I don't know.)

    About the Screenshots

    • The screenshots are all from seed 1. This is a perfectly average seed.
    • The map is an Unmined render of seed 1 from (-10k; -10k) to (10k; 10k)
    • Note that the continent in the center is only medium-sized

    Notes for Datapack Creators

    • The overwritten vanilla files are: (1) the vegetation and temperature noise files (2) continents, erosion and ridges density function files (3) the caves/entrances density function file
    • You're allowed to use parts of Eldor in your own datapack
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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    02/21/2024 12:26 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
    Kaiiak's Avatar
    Heya alkexr! great pack.

    I was just wondering, will you ever upload a version of this pack without the temperature, biome size, and weirdness changes?

    Sometimes it's just good to have a different landscape look while keeping the biomes the same, you know?

    I wish I could do it myself without having to bug you, but I have no coding experience (lol)

    (I'm gonna run a server with this pack, but the world border is going to be quite small, and I still need that variation of biomes)
    02/22/2024 1:15 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
    Kaiiak's Avatar
    nevermind! I did it myself! no need! thanks for the amazing pack!
    01/22/2024 8:53 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
    BrainDifffff's Avatar
    Do you plan on continuing to work on this modpack into the future? like updating it to 1.21? love this btw
    01/28/2024 4:52 am
    Level 23 : Expert Miner
    alkexr's Avatar
    Unless something unexpected happens, the current version will stay compatible with future Minecraft versions. (Minecraft might scream at you that it's incompatible, but that's probably a lie.)
    01/20/2024 5:28 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
    Kaiiak's Avatar
    I really like this datapack! I've been using Starmute's Continents datapack for a while, but I've always disliked the sheer AMOUNT of ocean those maps tend to have on the grand scale. Eldor has a much better balance between land and sea, while also keeping the feel of many distinct continents. I especially like how on some worlds the ocean cuts through groups of continents for only about a thousand blocks, creating straits and passages instead of grand seas.

    One issue I do have though is that in conjunction with Terralith, when using tools such as the Jacobsjo map (link for reference, https://map.jacobsjo.eu/ ), the biomes on the website no longer match up with the actual world. where a variety of Terralith biomes are predicted on the map, it just turns it all into yellowstone?

    I think this plugin has some conflict with how Terralith decides where biomes go, or something. I don't quite know, really. I'm not a developer. It could just be the site buggin. eh.
    Anyways, great plugin! I love it! I'm probably gonna use this in my server!
    01/28/2024 5:25 am
    Level 23 : Expert Miner
    alkexr's Avatar
    I've taken a quick look into this. Terralith and Eldor aren't compatible. You can use them together if you really want to, but you will get some strange results. If you use them both, load order matters. I think you loaded Eldor first on the website and Terralith first in Minecraft.
    01/30/2024 1:00 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
    Kaiiak's Avatar
    Yeah, I noticed that! I was gonna post a reply correcting my initial message, but it wasn't able to be sent for some reason!

    Even with that little caveat, it's still an amazing pack! I'm probably gonna use it with terralith regardless, lol.

    This time, I'll make sure to know the load order. :]
    01/19/2024 2:07 am
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dinosaur
    DinoDesmond's Avatar
    Any way to fix the bugged terrain that looks like chunk errors? Also, you should lower the amount of mushroom fields
    01/20/2024 3:45 am
    Level 23 : Expert Miner
    alkexr's Avatar
    If you give me seed and coordinates for the bugged terrain, I can take a look.
    01/27/2024 10:59 pm
    Level 55 : Grandmaster Dinosaur
    DinoDesmond's Avatar
    6567671707639543865, right at spawn

    pretty sure there were problems like this in the 1.18 snapshots

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