Minecraft Data Packs / Challenge

Draconic Ascension - Custom Ender Dragon Fight

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MonoCode's Avatar MonoCode
Level 44 : Master Spelunker

Draconic Ascension

Are you tired of the same old Ender Dragon fight? Are you looking for something new? Something challenging? Something exciting? If you answer is yes, you've come to the right place!


Draconic Ascension completely overhauls the Ender Dragon fight to make it much more chaotic and challenging by adding 10 completely new attacks, ranging from a meteor showing, to forcing an enderman to attack you, to even a ring of lightning. On top of that, this data pack also adds 4 new phases.


Phase 1
Phase 1 is just the same fight as before. This phase ends once the dragon reaches 50% health, upon which the whole arena changes and the dragon regenerates all its health, on top of increasing its maximum health to 500 (previously 200).

Phase 2
In this phase, the dragon will use 5 of its new attacks. It executes a random one of these every 12 seconds.

Phase 3
In this phase, the dragon will forget the first 5 attacks from phase 2 and will instead use 5 new attacks. It executes a random one of these every 10 seconds.

Phase 4
The dragon leaves the arena for this phase and instead summons a portal to spawn waves of mobs. The first wave includes zombies and skeletons, the second piglins and piglin brutes, the third one pillagers, vindicators and ravagers, the fourth spawns 2 wardens, and finally the fifth wave summons some wither skeletons and a wither. The phase ends once all mobs have been defeated.

Phase 5
For this phase, the dragon can now use one attack from phase 2 and one from phase 3 at once, which speeds up as the health goes down. At the end of the fight, the dragon will execute 2 attacks every 5 seconds, resulting in absolute chaos.

CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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02/16/2024 1:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sharkmasterKT's Avatar
Does this work with other ender dragon datapacks?
The Red Baron 23
12/30/2023 10:04 am
Level 37 : Artisan Nether Knight
The Red Baron 23's Avatar
Does it work on 1.21 and above or just 1.20?
Planet Minecraft


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