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    hadron1's Avatar hadron1
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Professor
    IMPORTANT: Diamond geodes DO NOT replace amethyst geodes but are generated independently of them.

    Minecraft version 1.17 brought us a new feature in the form of the Amethyst Geode, which can be found in the underground of the Overworld.
    A great thing that provided us with an eye-catching decorative block and new items.
    What if we made the geode idea more useful?
    This datapack offers you a new type of geode: the Diamond Geode, which is generated similarly to the amethyst geode in the underground of the Overworld, in each of its biomes.
    The differences are as follows:
    Each chunk has a 1⁄48 chance to attempt to generate a Diamond Geode (1⁄24 for the amethyst one) and Diamond geodes generate between Y=-60 and Y=60 (Y=-58 and Y=30 for the amethyst geode).
    This means that the Diamond Geode can be found not only underground, but also at the bottom of the ocean and sea, and even on the surface, which can be seen in the screenshots, so be alert!
    To make finding the geode easier, the outer layer is made of blocks not found in the Overworld: nether bricks.
    The inner layer of the geode is made up of diamond ore blocks with 8.3% replaced by diamond blocks instead. You will also find 1 or several gold blocks.
    Why such a datapack? Not to suddenly become rich. In the latest versions of MC, the changed world generator has made diamonds very common and there is no problem in obtaining large amounts of them, it is only a matter of time. Exactly. This datapack will save you a lot of time, because when you hit Geoda, you hit dozens of veins at the same time.

    Imagine how easy and effective it is to empty such a geode using this dapack: Vein mining datapack

    I encourage you to check out other datapacks that I have published:

    Archaeology with hadron
    Let"s loot some chests with hadron
    Skeleton skull from the nether
    Magma cream from slimes
    Geode massacre
    Real Hero of the Village
    Alternative bartering
    Amethyst beacon
    Copper beacon
    Vein mining
    Miner's dream datapack
    Dig perimeter with one hit
    Upgrade your wither skeleton farm farm
    A little easier spire armor trim template and piglin's head
    Enderman killed in the nether gives eye of ender

    Diamond Geode
    Cutting Vanilla, Terrestria-and-Traverse-wood
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17
    toMinecraft 1.20

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    02/28/2024 11:15 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Goblin Goblin
    Finnodile's Avatar
    Diamond Geodes: definitely not overpowered!
    03/09/2024 3:22 am
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    Foxina29's Avatar
    lol but its cool
    03/09/2024 4:48 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Goblin Goblin
    Finnodile's Avatar
    sure is
    Planet Minecraft


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