Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Derelict Dungeons

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Xfulminex's Avatar Xfulminex
Level 16 : Journeyman Mage

Derelict Dungeons introduces a new type of structure that will appear in the world alongside their vanilla version, these being the Derelict Versions of already existing vanilla structures.

Derelict Dungeons will keep the vanilla aspect of a dungeon, but will make it vastly bigger and/or more difficult to explore... while also giving you better rewards if you can overcome it's difficulties!

Currently, only 3 structures are present in the current version, with more to come with later updates:

Derelict Stronghold
Derelict Temple
Derelict Pyramid

Currently available Enchantments and Custom Items:
Blodbad - A special Golden Sword that deals the same damage as an Iron Sword. Can appear with either of the Unique Enchantments Bleeding or Coagulation.
Mikhail's Legacy - An helmet that once was used by a warrior, now just a remnant of what they once were. Will appear with no Unique Enchantment yet, but will grant a Maximum Health increase while being used.
The Pharaoh's Beheader - A lightweight axe used by a very weird pharaoh that lived many years ago. Will appear with the Unique Enchantment Sand Tomb.
Brannkaster - A shovel found within an ancient temple, capable of destroying opponents through it's signature ability: Fireball. Will appear with the Unique Enchantment Fireball.
Ascent - An Enchant for the Mace. Sneaking while holding the mace will make you levitate very fast at the cost of durability. Chance of 25% to lose 1 durability per tick. Chance is decreased to 12.5% at level 2.
Bell-er - A very annoying but useful Enchantment for your Mace needs. Hitting an enemy will make them unable to move for 0.5 seconds.
Call From the Skies - Enchant (yet again) for the Mace. Hit enemies will be afflicted with Levitation for 2 seconds, with the Levitation level scaling with the Enchant's level. Tired of this being used against you in PvP? Understandable, so here's a little secret: Try sneaking right when you are being attacked!
Ender Disruption - Enchant suitable for swords. Hitting an Enderman will make them unable to do ANYTHING for 2 whole seconds. Effect timer is reset should you hit the Enderman again before the expiration date.
Poisonous - Ever felt like the Crossbow was neglected? I did. This Enchant will finally give the Crossbow a DoT (Damage over Time) Enchantment just like the counterpart (Bow).
Scythe - An Hoe Enchanted with Scythe will make you feel like a Death Reaper for once. The damage of the Hoe is increased by 1 per level, bringing the total up to 6 (same as an Iron Sword) at level 5. Will also be slightly faster than an Iron Sword, while also having some useful effects when attacking enemies. Particularly effective in PvP, Scythe will make your Hoe give you Regeneration for up to 5 seconds on hit, gain Haste for up to 5 seconds and inflict Hunger to your enemies for up to 15 seconds.

Planned changes with upcoming updates:

Derelict version of all existing vanilla structures
New structures that are not Derelict, but will have their derelict variant as well

A message to Server Owners and to people planning to use this Datapack into modpacks or servers:
Since I'm still really new to coding Datapacks and don't know how they will behave in multiplayer or along with other Datapacks/Mods, I would like to not only be credited for my project, but also to be told which Pack/Server is using my Datapack so I can check out for myself if everything that the Datapack implements is working as intended! Thank you in advance!

Currently should be fully compatible with most System Plasma datapacks from GetSirius55. Tested compatibility from the System Plasma datapacks are for both the System Plasma Enchantments and Items and the System Plasma Climate datapacks. Compatibility with System Plasma Enchantments and Items include the spawning of Enchanted Books from that datapack in some of the loot tables in Derelict Dungeons structures.

Known Bugs:
Brannkaster will be given back to the user when using it's ability instantly, this will most of the time cause a graphical bug that makes the item invisible in your hand/inventory. But don't worry! The weapon is still there!

Huge thanks to peA_Sh0ter and GetSirius55 for all the help they provided with coding, and the ideas they shared during development of the Datapack!

CreditpeA_sh0ter, GetSirius55
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

5 Update Logs

Update 1.2.2 : by Xfulminex 07/11/2024 12:20:59 amtoday

Added the Brannkaster, the unique weapon only found in the Derelict Jungle Temple.
Added new loot tables for both the Derelict Stronghold and the Derelict Jungle Temple.
Added the Portal Frame Remover to the Derelict Stronghold, allowing whoever holds it to remove End Portal Frames by standing on top of them while holding it.
Fixed various bugs.
Fixed a problem that would make it impossible for System Plasma Enchantments to appear within Derelict Dungeons Loot Tables (remember to also update your version of System Plasma Enchantments if you want them to appear!)

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07/11/2024 5:44 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
Yay, an update! I wonder what this could bring ;)
07/11/2024 6:56 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
Xfulminex's Avatar
Everything's in the patch notes :D

This is just a minor update with smaller content, while major updates (1.3, 1.4, 1.5 etc...) will bring new structures. Also, go vote in the poll on Sirius' discord if you didn't XD
07/03/2024 9:26 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
Xfulminex's Avatar
I'm aware of the Stronghold Boss room's treasure being bugged, and that some other things are broken as well. 1.2.2's update will be released as soon as it's ready, bringing a new unique item for the Derelict Temple (Since it's the only structure still without one) and some bug fixes. Have a good day/night everyone!
06/29/2024 6:50 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
peA_sh0ter's Avatar
06/13/2024 10:15 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
Xfulminex's Avatar
Hello everyone!

1.21 dropped and I'm already working on the new update.
New update will bring us to a remake of one of the most loved structures in the game, while giving it a little "realism" twist (I searched up a lot of videos about real ones to make this one into a mix of Realistic+Minecraft.)

I'm gonna work on it during my free time these days and hope you'll love the new structures coming with the new update!

Here, a little Sneak Peek... :D

05/20/2024 11:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3783167G's Avatar
Hey! Been having a blast with my friends using this datapack (though I've only found the temple and not the stronghold yet). But I found out that this datapack, for some reason, makes the other datapack I use stop working, which is: RPG: Health Points / Get more hearts when you level up while fighting! Minecraft Data Pack (planetminecraft.com)

I really don't want to leave either datapacks out, so if possible, please look into it for me. I don't know much about datapack other than the datapack I mentioned increases your hp for a set number of attacks. Thank you!
05/21/2024 9:58 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
Xfulminex's Avatar
I can try to look into it, though since this is still my first datapack and i'm pretty new to coding this stuff it might be hard to fix. Will definitely still try to look into it, maybe i can come up with a fix!

Edit: did you change your Minecraft version to 1.20 and were previously playing on 1.19 to play Derelict Dungeons? Because while checking the pack of that datapack I've seen it supports only up to Minecraft 1.19. Since the coding for datapacks changed in 1.20 i think that might be the problem for which it doesn't work now, I'll wait for your reply!
05/21/2024 1:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User3783167G's Avatar
I think you are right, I did change my version from 1.19 to 1.20 to play your datapack, which probably broke the other, older datapack. Thank you! I hope you keep adding more vanilla-like structures to the game since it really blew my mind when we first found and explored the Derelict Temple. Even for a new coder, your datapack seems much more thought-out and deliberate (yet vanilla-like) than many other structures datapacks I've been using.
05/21/2024 1:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage
Xfulminex's Avatar
Your comment really makes me happy, thank you a lot!

I hope you can find the Derelict Stronghold soon and be able to explore it!

Have a great day and have fun exploring!
05/19/2024 2:26 pm
Level 49 : Master System Engineer
GetSirius55's Avatar
When 1.21 releases I'd be happy to do colab. I'm thinking of coming out with a new datapack under the System Plasma name just for the Enchantment system. Perhaps we can add some custom enchanted books/items to the dungeon loot here.
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