Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Deep Dark, Enhanced! - V1.2 (Mobs, Structures, Items, etc!)

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Miner

Deep Dark, Enhanced is a completely vanilla data pack that expands the Deep Dark with 2 new structures, 3 new mobs, 3 new items and 2 new blocks. The goal is to make the Deep Dark worth exploring every time you find it, and tap into some of the potential the Deep Dark concept has left on the table.

THIS DATA PACK WAS MADE FOR A YOUTUBE VIDEO! The video showcases it better than this post ever could, go check it out!



Deep Dark, Enhanced! - V1.2 (Mobs, Structures, Items, etc!) Minecraft Data Pack

  • The Keeper

The Keeper is the angry older brother to the Warden, and if you hurt his kid brother, you're asking for it. When a player kills the Warden, the Keeper will be summoned. He has 1000 health (double the Warden's) and does 50 damage, which will 1-shot you in full enchanted Netherite armor. He is blind, deaf, and has no sense of smell. HOWEVER: He can sense you through sculk. If you step on a sculk block, he will aggro on you. He will also sense you if you get too close, and if you get a bit far away from him and step on sculk, he will dig down and emerge near you. If you somehow manage to kill him, which you would have to do consecutively after killing a Warden, then you will be rewarded by him dropping a Soul Spawner. (See Blocks)

Deep Dark, Enhanced! - V1.2 (Mobs, Structures, Items, etc!) Minecraft Data Pack

  • Watchers

Watchers are the sculk hive-mind's new method of sight. they are immobile stalks with an eyeball that emerges from the sculk to scan the area for targets. They will slowly rotate, looking in the distance for players. If they see you, they will set off all other watchers within a large radius, and each will summon a Warden. Their vision is obscured by blocks however, so it is advised that if you are sneaking around them, you can hide behind cover to wait for their vision to pass by you!

Deep Dark, Enhanced! - V1.2 (Mobs, Structures, Items, etc!) Minecraft Data Pack

  • Devourers

Devourers lay camouflaged in the sculk, waiting for prey to get too close. If you get within a few blocks, they will open up and pull you in with their large tentacle-like tongue. You must cut them off you quickly if they get you in their grasp, as they will rapidly chew you to pieces.


  • The Sword of the Deep

This sword is summoned at the Sculk Altar (see blocks) as proof that you have truly mastered the Deep Dark. This sword does 9 damage by default, and can be enchanted like any other sword. But it also has a special ability! Hold sneak for a few seconds, and you should hear a sound and see some soul particles come off of you. Then, while still sneaking, right click to use the Warden's Sonic Boom attack!

  • Warden's Antler

The Warden's Antler is dropped by the Warden (big surprise, I know!) and allows you to harness the Warden's echo-location ability. You can see mobs through blocks in the direction you look when holding it. Great for finding caves! This is also an ingredient for obtaining the Sword of the Deep.

  • Depths Totem

These can be found in loot chests from both the new Ancient Cities and the Ancient Outposts. When held in your offhand, right click to be instantly teleported to the surface above you, consuming the totem in the process.


  • Soul Spawner

This block is dropped by the Keeper. It is a placeable mob-spawner! It will consume mob drops on the ground near it, and in return it will spawn the corresponding mob. With it, you can easily set up leather farms, wool farms, enchanted bow farms, and many more. Sound OP? Well....you do have to kill the Warden and the Keeper consecutively to get it...so I'd say you earned it by that point.

Note: due to data pack limitations, this block is *technically* an entity/mob. Which means, to pick it back up, you actually need to kill it. it has 5 health, so 1-2 swings from most tools/weapons will do.

  • Sculk Altar

This altar can be found in the center of the new Ancient Cities, and occasionally at the top of Ancient Outposts. It is unbreakable and cannot be obtained. If you place 16 Echo Shards and 1 Warden's Antler on top of it, it will summon The Sword of the Deep. Be warned though, doing this comes with a nasty surprise...


  • Ancient Outpost

These fortresses are found much more commonly in the Deep Dark than either of the Ancient Cities. While they don't contain as much loot as a city would, they certainly are a valuable find. These structures are brimming with Watchers, so careful, strategic stealth is advised, or else you may find yourself in a building stuffed full of Wardens...

You will find a few chests littered throughout the building, and on top you will find either a small version of the normal Ancient City portal, 4 loot chests, or a Sculk Altar.

  • Ancient City (New version)

These cities are larger, richer, and scarier! At the center, you wont find a portal. Instead, you'll find a large statue of the Warden, along with a Sculk Altar and a chest containing a Ward smithing template. Loot chests can be found all over this city, containing normal Ancient City loot, but also bundles and Depths Totems.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

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06/02/2024 5:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WaxyBoat12's Avatar
What version?
05/18/2024 12:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
KURAIK4M1's Avatar
hi i just wanna ask, are u gonna make a 1.20.6 version?
02/21/2024 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MineBuilderSam's Avatar
help all the mobs look dye. how can i fix this?
01/03/2024 8:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Azxy's Avatar
Doesn't work do i have to use a specific version?
11/04/2023 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Okto's Avatar
Cool datapack, but Devurer's zombie base isnt invisible on 1.20.2 for some reason
11/05/2023 7:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Okto's Avatar
Ok I figguredit it out.

I've changed the command in ddo/mobs/devouer/summon:

execute at @s run summon minecraft:zombie ~ ~ ~ {IsBaby:1,CustomName:'[{"text":"Devourer"}]',NoAI:1b,NoGravity:1b,PersistenceRequired:1b,Silent:1b,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.armor"}],Tags:["devourer"],active_effects:[{id:invisibility,duration:100000,show_particles:0b}],Attributes:[{Name:"generic.armor"}]}
execute as @s at @s run function devourer:summon
09/30/2023 11:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DanSan916's Avatar
How do you get it to work after you download it?
01/07/2024 7:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
pandoe's Avatar
select world if already created and click edit go to world files (i forgot the name) go too datapacks add this datapack and there you go, or if your creating a new one in the last tab theres a button called data packs just drag the file their
09/28/2023 2:19 am
Level 1 : New Collective
wiisoff's Avatar
Could you make this compatible with the Deeper and Darker mod?
09/25/2023 8:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Syntex366's Avatar
Amazing datapack, great work. I especially love how well the Keeper's movements are done, normally custom datapack creatures are super clonky and have little to no dynamic movement, Seeing that thing actually have a walk cycle and an attack animation is awesome, especially the ribcage maw thing "breathing".

Only shame is the sonic boom on the deep sword doesn't work when paired with WASD Libraries, and I just can't play without those machines and redstone. the sonic boom was what I was looking most forward too... Absolute tragedy. :( But I can still enjoy the rest of it at least.
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