Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Crafting Disc Data-Pack 1.14

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Dragon249's Avatar Dragon249
Level 24 : Expert Dragon

Ciao a tutti, questo è la versione 1.14 del mio primo pacchetto di dati e permette di craftare i dischi musicali in Minecraft Vanilla! Craftando quattro pietre focaie in torno a un colorante si può avere un particolare disco musicale. Questo datapack è perfetto per chi ha dei soundpack!
Spero che vi piaccia, lasciate un diamante, iscrivetevi e se avete domande o consigli, scrivete un commento!



Hi everyone, this is version 1.14 of my first crafting data pack involving music discs in Minecraft Vanilla! When you craft four flints around a dye you can have a particular musical disc. This datapack is perfect for those with soundpack! I hope you like it, leave a diamond, sign up and if you have any questions or suggestions, write a comment!

(Excuse me for my english)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.14

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05/28/2019 9:03 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Technodono's Avatar
I like the idea of using flint more than using iron as in your first mod... great work and also on this line "my first data pack for craft music disc" i recommend changing it to "my first crafting data pack involving music discs" and also I think that the disc 11 shouldn't be cartable making it a cool rare find. Keep u the good work mate
05/29/2019 7:33 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
Dragon249's Avatar
The crafting with iron is not my, but thanks very much for the suggestions!
05/29/2019 6:50 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Technodono's Avatar
you are welcome and oops, i din't know it wasn't yours lol
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