Minecraft Data Packs / Weapons and Armor

Complete Scute Armoursets!

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Da_Trixta's Avatar Da_Trixta
Level 49 : Master Technomancer

I felt like Turtle Helmets and Armadillo scutes were severely lacking in any liveliness and use besides getting like... one each. So I've set up entire armoursets of each scute type, as well as adding a new scute to the mix! All of these armour sets are made in the same way as your usual gold, iron and diamond gear, but require Scutes instead of those precious materials.

Complete Scute Armoursets! Minecraft Data Pack

Turtle Shell Armour
I originally wanted to complete the full Turtle Shell set of armour before remembering that Armadillos were just recently added. The original Turtle Shell helmet would give a player 10 seconds of waterbreathing while they're in air, and begin the countdown once the player is in water. I have buffed this to 15 seconds per item of armour, and allowed it to stack. Meaning while you wear a full set of 4 armour components, you will gain an entire minute of water breathing underwater! However the armour is not the most durable and is build for exploration, not combat.

Wearing less pieces of armour grants less time, but you can wear other gear alongside it to increase your defense against attacks.

Complete Scute Armoursets! Minecraft Data Pack
Complete Scute Armoursets! Minecraft Data Pack

Armadillo Shell Armour
Armadillo Shell Amour is inspired by Torrezx's Armadillo Armour (Big thanks to them for helping me make my own textures and letting me use theirs as a reference!), it gives a full set of defense from attacks, as well as giving the player 5 seconds of Resistance every time they're hurt! This stacks with every piece of gear you wear, so boots and leggings will give you 10 seconds, but just a helmet will give you 5. When you're wearing a full set of gear, you will also receive a small regeneration buff for 5 seconds.

This is good for nether exploration as fire and lava deal less damage to you as you wear it, as well as being pretty useful for general defence.

Shulker Shell Armour
Shulkers now drop 1-3 Shulker Scutes when killed, these pieces are smaller so you need to use more of them to make a Shulker Box. However, Scutes can also craft Armour!

Shulker Shell Armour is inspired by the Sturdy Shulker Armour from Minecraft Dungeons. This Armour gives you a complete set of armour defense from attacks, and prevents you from falling into the void! While wearing a piece of Shulker Shell Armour you are given Levitation whenever you fall into the void, you levitate faster the more armour you're wearing, and receive Slow Falling while you wear a full set.

This can allow you to traverse the end without bridging, or to save your loot from accidental falls into the void. Wearing any more than 2 pieces of armour will essentially let you get all the way back up to a normal end island after a fall, but wearing one piece will still stop you from dying.

And yes, you're wearing two belts, you really gotta keep those floaty scutes together you know.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
toMinecraft 1.21

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Isaac Deschain
06/15/2024 10:01 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
Isaac Deschain's Avatar
Great pack, the scute really do feel like they should have full armour sets for them and shulker shell armour is a brilliant idea that makes perfect sense. You didn't say how protective each armour set was though, you said the turtle set wasn't meant for combat but how protective exactly. The turtle helmet is equal to iron (though more durable with doesn't make sense) so I would think all would be equal to iron which feels balanced.

A point of possible improvement, the turtle scute texture is noticeably simpler than the other two and feels out of place, strangely the new texture for the shulker would work really well for the turtle recoloured and the original shulker shell with it's boxiness would work. I also agree with some of the other comments that the armadillo armour seems op, maybe give it a exploration feature in theme with the other two.
06/20/2024 9:38 am
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Da_Trixta's Avatar
The turtle set is as protective as iron, and the other two are as protective as diamond as Armadillo is supposed to be strong, and the Shulker set is pretty late-game.
06/12/2024 4:33 pm
They/Them • Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer Engineer
Lead's Avatar
Great art! I would recommend having some kind of function run when the player tries to trim the armor, possibly returning the player their trim? Love the ideas here!
05/29/2024 11:10 pm
Level 29 : Expert Archer
CelestialShelly's Avatar
I've wanted to make an armor datapack using armor trims for a while, this is really cool!
06/01/2024 8:19 am
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Da_Trixta's Avatar
You're free to use this as a reference if need be
05/28/2024 8:38 pm
Level 44 : Master Kitten
Akisephila's Avatar
cool! armadillo armour seems insanely OP though..
06/01/2024 8:19 am
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Da_Trixta's Avatar
I've tested it a lot, and it honestly doesn't seem as OP having used it.
05/28/2024 10:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5158391G's Avatar
Остров на 16 одно дерево и писела
05/27/2024 7:54 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin Goblin
Finnodile's Avatar
Can you use trims on them? I'm guessing they use modified leather armour so they should be able to
05/28/2024 7:17 pm
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
Da_Trixta's Avatar
No they can't unfortunately, I wanted to give them better durability than leather (And I didn't know you could trim the turtle shell, though it's literally on the launcher I'm just silly)
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