Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Cliff under a Tree (CliffTree)

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Konci's Avatar Konci
Level 31 : Artisan Artist

CliffTree by Konci and Walls

Cliff under a Tree, or CliffTree for short, is a world generation datapack that adds new biomes to the Overworld and bringing a fresh touch to some existing ones, all while maintaining the spirit of vanilla.

This is probably obvious, but the name comes from the lyrics of Adventure Time's ending theme. We just really like the show.


New biomes and variations

From the searing Shrublands to the chilly Bog, CliffTree adds various new biomes to explore in the Overworld. See all new sights like the Oasis or the Tundra, or a variation of a familiar biome like the Snowy Old Growth Taiga or Sparse Forests!

New rivers, water colors, and deeper oceans

This pack tweaks almost every biome to have new water colors, as well as new river biomes to match, and deeper oceans to explore. The distribution of sand, clay, and gravel underwater are also altered to provide a nice and cohesive gradient instead of being random disks.

Cave biomes

CliffTree makes a big change to how caves work, surface biomes no longer extend all the way down to the underground, and instead taking their place are several cave biomes. Some are more generic caves, while others are more interesting to explore like the icy Frozen Caves, terracotta-filled Warm Caves, or the scorching depths of the Inferno!

A touchup of existing biomes

There are also many small tweaks to the existing biomes, such as their distribution, or direct visual changes like terracotta on the sides of Savanna Plateaus, fallen logs on various forest biomes, more stone on the sides of cliffs, and wide Beaches reminiscent of their beta looks!

New tree shapes and foliage rules

Foliage like grasses and flowers can now be planted on sand and snow blocks! Some trees have also received a makeover, like Birch and Small
Jungle trees. Saplings also have custom growth rules, with only some saplings being able to grow up on sand and snow, and certain blocks allowing the growth of rare tree types like Jungle Bushes and Swamp Oaks!

Join Witches Cauldron for questions and bug reports
CreditMade together with Walls
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
toMinecraft 1.21

3 Update Logs

Versions 1.5 to 1.6.1 : by Konci 07/11/2024 6:00:56 amtoday

Version 1.5
- Decreased number of Plains trees
- Moved lakes from Windswept Forests to Windswept Gravelly HillsVersion 1.6.1
- Fixed copper ore not generating in cave biomes

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07/07/2024 2:31 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alovelettertoyou's Avatar
are there still structures like villages, dungeons, pyramids, vaults, etc? Are they remodeled?
07/07/2024 3:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
alovelettertoyou's Avatar
Also, I just loaded up the datapack in a new world and the world is just regular vanilla generation with some blocks being different in some areas and some of the fallen trees in the birch biomes. It's still just messy vanilla generation. Is there something I need to do?
07/03/2024 1:54 pm
They/Them • Level 1 : New Crafter
Ghoulzzz's Avatar
That looks really cool
07/02/2024 10:53 am
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
bigotato's Avatar
intéressant! I love the name too.
Bro Omg
06/28/2024 2:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Procrastinator
Bro Omg's Avatar
clifftree has to be the best name maybe ever
06/28/2024 12:07 pm
He/Him • Level 38 : Artisan Lemon Lemon
Cacti's Avatar
Adventure time mentioned <3
06/27/2024 3:47 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
Hoponopono's Avatar
Good vibes here!
06/23/2024 12:14 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
Whateverdata55's Avatar
Bud that logo looks so cleaan!
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