Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Chimerabot's Baby Krakens | Entry For Marine Wonders Datapack Contest | 1.19+

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Chimerabot's Avatar Chimerabot
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Baby Krakens

By Chimerabot

Download Process
  • Download "chimerabot-s-baby-krakens-e1800.zip" from this page. Alternatively, click the Google Drive link if you don't feel safe downloading a .zip file directly.

  • Open Minecraft, and select the world you want to use the data pack in. Before you start up the world, click the "Edit" button, and then click the button in the editing menu titled "Open World Folder".

  • Put the .zip file inside the "datapacks" folder for your world.

  • Enter your world, type /reload in chat, and the data pack should start working.

  • This datapack requires a resource pack as well. Download it on this page and put it in Minecraft's resource pack folder, then activate it to present the full experience.

What's it about? Before I begin, I'd like to mention that this pack was made for YokaiS's Marine Wonders Datapack Contest. My datapack lets you summon and befriend your very own Baby Kraken, an oceanic killing machine! They act similarly to axolotls, automatically killing ocean life and helping you in fights, but they also have some other neat special abilities which make them stand out from the crowd of other water-dwelling creatures. You can even pick it up with a bucket and carry it wherever you go! (Seriously though, this thing is not your average everyday axolotl. It could totally take an axolotl in a fight.) The datapack also includes a few new related advancements for you to try and earn while you're at it.

How do I get one? You can get your hands on a Kraken by killing an Elder Guardian, which has had its loot table replaced with a 100% drop chance for a Kraken Egg- finally, something useful, am I right? Anyway, right-clicking on this egg while standing in water will hatch a Baby Kraken. Since their lifespans are so long, it won't grow up for you, and they don't spawn naturally in the ocean.

What are its abilities? The Baby Kraken gives all nearby players Dolphin's Grace, similar to dolphins (of course) but with a smaller radius than average. However, sticking close lets you move fast enough to keep up- this is one fast squid. It also shoots a prismarine dart at the nearest ocean mob every minute, if one's in range. This does enough damage to one-shot your average fish. As a matter of fact, it'll try and shoot almost anything that moves, provided that it's underwater at the time. The Kraken's darts can't go out of the water.

* * *

Note: This datapack was sort of rushed out to meet the contest deadline and could definitely use some work, especially in terms of the kraken animation. I could have done it smoother, but it would have taken time that I simply can't afford at the moment.
Also, I know the Kraken in the bucket has one eye, alright? Don't even think about mentioning it. Not a thought. I'm watching.

Maybe consider subscribing? I'm actively trying to grow my Youtube channel (a video for this pack is probably coming soon), and I'd really be pleased if you were along for the ride. If you liked this datapack, or my video, I'd appreciate any advice on how to get better at this whole thing. A subscription would be hugely valued, and then you get notified on my new posts and releases. Besides, it's totally free!

Subscribe to Chimerabot for more Minecraft content!

Thanks again for looking at this datapack, and have fun!

Creative Commons License
Chimerabot's Speeder Bikes | 1.18+ Minecraft Data Pack
This license lets you reuse the work for any purpose, including commercially; however, it cannot be shared with others in adapted form, and credit must be provided to me.

More information: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
CreditThanks to @YokaiS for hosting this awesome contest, and to my motivation for coming back at just the right time (._. )
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19

4 Update Logs

Update #4 - 1.19 : by Chimerabot 06/30/2022 12:55:41 pmJun 30th, 2022

- Updated datapack and resource pack to 1.19

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10/01/2023 8:09 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
Fishylips's Avatar
Any plans for an update for 1.20? I love this little guy in my world but he missing all this textures lol!
11/07/2022 4:01 am
Level 1 : New Miner
snadwich's Avatar
does the baby kraken replace the dolphin?
11/09/2022 7:02 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
08/14/2022 5:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
it crashed my game
12/25/2021 4:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Tigoooh's Avatar
it isnt dropping the egg for me :(
12/26/2021 2:37 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Collective
kingfish3r14's Avatar
did you try middle clicking?
12/25/2021 9:08 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
I took a look at the loot table, and it seems to be correct, though for some reason mine isn't working in testing either. I'll try my best to get something figured out soon... Thanks for mentioning it!
12/13/2021 7:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Sirenistic's Avatar
hey! i know its a bit late but, i tried to get this to work and it seems that every time i kill a guardian it gives me a prismarine shard in place of the kraken egg, is there a fix for this? (1.18.1)
12/25/2021 9:09 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Cyborg Theorist
Chimerabot's Avatar
Oh no, not late at all- I'm always gald to see bug reports. I did some testing and I'm getting the same problem you are, though there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the loot table. I'll take a look and try to get things fixed soon.
10/13/2021 5:13 am
Level 29 : Expert Waffle
swerpy's Avatar
how to summon it
Planet Minecraft


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