Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Calamitous Rogue Origin (1.18 - 1.18.1)

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rebelcandy_U's Avatar rebelcandy_U
Level 59 : Grandmaster Magical Girl
This requires the Origins mod for Fabric! Don't forget to install it
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This origin is partially inspired by the Rogue class from Calamity, a Terraria mod (hence the name). It changes up your combat style, shifting from a series of hits in quick succession to calculated hits that break the enemy's defenses.

Positives ✅

- Stealth: While not attacking or taking damage, your Stealth bar fills up as you fade over time. With max Stealth, you become invisible and reset enemy aggro on you.
- Weapon Expert: 33% chance to not use up durability on a weapon hit. (will not work on a sword 1 hit away from breaking)
- Suspicious Moves: Sneak mid-sprint to become able to crawl and fit in 1-block-high holes.
- Ambush: While Stealth is full, your next attack has special effects depending on the weapon you used:
  - Trident: Deals extra armor-piercing damage after a short delay.
  - Sword: Removes all health-increasing potion effects on the entity.
  - Axe: Deals heavy damage to the enemy's shield if they are using one.
  - Shield: Stuns them for a moment, severely slowing them and applying Mining Fatigue. If they were flying, slams them down to the ground.
- Thrill of the Hunt: Whenever you hit an enemy with an Ambush, they will gain Glowing for a medium duration.
- Without a Trace: Kills restore your Stealth meter instantly.

Neutrals ⚙️

- Big Game Hunter: Illagers, ravagers, villagers, iron golems along with the 2 bosses drop emeralds if you kill them. However, other mobs have a 20% chance to drop nothing.

Skills 🔮

- Secrets of the Trade (Primary): Place a marker at your feet. On a successful kill, you will teleport back to the marker if you were sneaking.
- Smooth Talker (Sneak-Use a villager): Allows a villager to trade with you. However, if you don't leave villagers' vicinity within 10 seconds, nearby iron golems will attack you.

Cons ❌

- Bad DPS: You deal 50% less damage if your Stealth bar isn't full.
- Infamous: Iron golems will attack you if you break crops near them.
- Bounty Target: Villagers won't trade with you (unless you use your skill on them).
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.18
toMinecraft 1.19

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04/28/2023 1:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4541051D's Avatar
im very passionate about the rogue class
04/28/2023 1:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User4541051D's Avatar
i love this origin so much, is there any way i could ask u some questions regarding editing some of the powers to my liking? i suck at coding, dont know if ur active on here, could i get ur discord maybe? appreciate it (:
08/03/2022 2:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Fo7er's Avatar
you can fly if you use the suspicious moves while in the air and hold jump while looking up.
03/31/2022 2:43 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice System
IllegalArgExc's Avatar
with all the trading cons i thought he uses ‘gut harvest’ on villagers

jokes aside, very cool origin as always, 10/10!!
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