Minecraft Data Packs / Other

Build wand v2 datapack

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    Enders Host's Avatar Enders Host
    Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
    A build wand similar to the ones often used in mods.
    • uses a carrot on a stick
    • isn't survival friendly
    • ins't compatible with other datapacks that use the carrot on a stick

    i haven't had time to add all of the flowers and such to the tag file so i wouldn't recommend using this on them, if you do it may begin to continuously clone and break the flower, slowing down your game. if this happens just kill the entity's: /kill @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud]

    Hope you enjoy.
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

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    03/03/2020 1:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    CongenialVirus's Avatar
    Is the carrot on a stick an easier option than adding in a new tool and textures for it? Or is there some limitation to adding new items like a pickaxe made of dirt?
    Enders Host
    03/04/2020 1:35 am
    Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
    Enders Host's Avatar
    With java data packs you can't add entirely new items, you can only add texture variatants and modify the data of existing items, and datapacks can't store textures so, to add new textures you need to also make a texture pack. It's a bit of a pain so I tend to not use customs textures/models in datapacks to much.
    02/08/2019 11:16 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Explorer
    adg155's Avatar
    "Hop you enjoy"
    Enders Host
    02/09/2019 3:03 am
    Level 73 : Legendary Blacksmith
    Enders Host's Avatar
    Planet Minecraft


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