Minecraft Data Packs / Other

BlazeandCaves Advancements Pack - Edge Of The Jungle Edition

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FixingGlobe's Avatar FixingGlobe
Level 26 : Expert Miner
Trying to Downgrade your existing Minecraft world? DO A BACKUP FIRST!

If you start in MC 1.17 / 1.17.1 or upgrade from MC 1.3.0 after obtaining a Petrified Oak Slab, well then you don't need the downgrade information.

This should be the only datapack present when using it!

and when you're done with this pack the world needs to be fully closed and then delete this datapack and add the desired ones, like BACAP and expansions.

Starting with version 3.0, your existing worlds should be downgrade compatible.

This is mostly meant for use in MC 1.17 in order to allow you to get the edge of the jungle advancement without messing up your world as bacap added many features starting with MC 1.19.
I don't provide downloads for older versions for that reason as this datapack will be updated if advancements are added, be it BACAP or expansions. (Or some internal filenames change, though in that case I just keep both versions.)
It also fully supports BACAP Terralith Traveller's Maps advancements from MC 1.17 to MC 1.20.4 and this pack might be compatible with even older Minecraft versions, I just recommend to return to the latest MC version with BACAP, or slightly older if an expansions hasn't been updated yet.
Also incomplete advancements with multiple requirements might be fully revoked, though completed advancements will stay.
Do note: All other advancements apart from these 3 are fully blocked off but these "hidden" advancements have all their reward functions present and Edge of the Jungle's trophy is working in MC 1.20.4+ though it might not stack with a newly generated one from the trophy grant function.

Version 3 supports every advancement that are currently available at the day of release for any BACAP project that has been updated to MC 1.20.5+

This includes BACAP, BACAP Terralith, BACAP Nullscape, BACAP Cereal Dedication, BACAP Cereal Dedication Hardcore, BACAP Incendium.

It also supports the Happy 10 Years Minecraft advancement from the legendary BACAP 1.7

These packs aren't listed but are also supported: BACAP Hardcore, BACAP Incendium+Terralith, BACAP Amplified Nether
Yes and if you somehow obtained the cheater advancements, this pack will not remove your prize of shame. :EvilCave:

(Though they will be completely hidden from view just like all the other advancements)

Also if you're trying to downgrade, do a BACKUP first and watch some YouTube and be sure the server/world is offline when you temporarily remove your existing datapacks and add this one and the same thing backwards.

The old April Fools Pirate description down below for comedic reasons

Are ye frustrated that ye can no longer get Edge of the Jungle in BlazeAndCave's Advancements Pack without it bein' cumbersome?

Alpha Slab in Cereal Dedication be fine, 'cause the item be only available in 1.3.0, but the item still exists.

Well Potty the Parrot has the solution fer ye! No! We be no longer doin' this.

Jus' install this as the ONLY datapack in Minecraft 1.17.1 (durin' world gen or durin' the upgrade from 1.3.0 t' 1.17.1) 'n ye will ONLY get the mentioned advancement 'n rewards 'n then ye can safely upgrade t' newer versions ('n scuttle this :( ) 'n enjoy the base pack in it's full glory!

Also no messy scoreboards, but 'twill no add t' the first advancement scoreboards (solo 'n teams).

Booty map which leads t' where I plundered the picture.

Death trap loot map!
CreditCavinator1 & Rick Astley
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.17

2 Update Logs

Version 3 is finally out! Supports Downgrading existing worlds : by FixingGlobe 06/30/2024 11:21:59 amJun 30th

well you should read the pmc description and I won't help you if mess up and don't have a backup

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06/30/2024 10:49 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
FixingGlobe's Avatar
Another Update :startrekkin:
05/12/2024 9:35 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
FixingGlobe's Avatar
A new Update Branch called 3.XYZ is planned, where:

The datapack will of course provide a way to check the version number.
The numbering style will be in this style where 3. is for edge of the jungle edition, 1.16.9 for bacap's version number and .a for other updates that may arise.

The first one might just but called 3.0 to keep it simple.
What will this update contain?
It will mark all existing advancements's criteria as impossible so if you try to downgrade your world you shouldn't lose your advancements. This will of course include all vanilla advancements, bacap, bacap terralith, bacap nullscape, my cereal pack(s) and of course happy 10 years mc from bacap 1.7 for the memes.

(and if other fan packs update to 1.20.5+ then perhaps them as well)

Though I won't provide downgrading support, most advancements and criteria should be pretty safe, though one or the other might break, but that's on you. The advancements might be lobotomized, meaning their names, descriptions and icons might have generic placeholder content. Though be aware that I can't promise that the scoreboards might become messed up.
Of course this will result in this pack receiving a lot of updates to support new advancements or changes in criteria.

Also to be super safe, put your trophies in chest before downgrading which you absolutely shouldn't open!

and backups are of course also important (you maniac)
12/22/2023 12:49 pm
Level 26 : Expert Miner
FixingGlobe's Avatar
an update ?!?
04/01/2023 4:20 am
Level 26 : Expert Miner
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