Minecraft Data Packs / Block

Binary Mushrooms (Data Pack)

  • check_circle Functions
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Instantout's Avatar Instantout
Level 50 : Grandmaster Necromancer Terraformer
Welcome to Binary Mushrooms Data Pack!

What does it Do?

Data pack just uses Functions to Place Binary Mushroom's Command blocks, Used in Binary Mushroom Map.

Command blocks are for 1.21+ (yea they changed), so rip.

How to Use?

For anything under folder "command_block_placement"

1: make sure you are centered at block.

2: run command "tp ~ ~ ~ 180 0" (you can choose NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST.)

the commands are run Relative to where you are and away from you using the new "^ ^ ^" positioning.

Spoiler: you have to add buttons/Place blocks yourself. (best to use Map).

This is Really if you want to take it out of the Map, into some other area.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

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