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MedClockWork's Avatar MedClockWork
Level 45 : Master Engineer
To use this datapack, just place the .zip file into the datapacks folder of your world

Bedrock Tanks is a datapack that allows storage of the three fluids in Minecraft, lava, water, and milk, and the access of them no matter where you are in your world.

Steps Needed to Make a Tank
  1. Make a Bedrock Pump
  2. Get a Bedrock Shard
  3. Create a Tank Link
  4. Make a Bedrock Tank

Bedrock Pump
To create a Bedrock Pump, you must place a cauldron on top of bedrock and throw a piston into it. After doing this, the Bedrock Pump will be created, but it still needs a little fuel to start it. Throw four dragon's breaths into the pump and it will start pumping the bedrock. After 1 minute, the pump will stop, a bedrock shard will spawn, and the bedrock below the pump will turn to cobblestone.

Bedrock Tanks
To create a Bedrock Tank, you must place stained glass on top of an iron block and then throw a bedrock shard on top of the glass. The color of the stained glass determines the fluid of the tank. Red stained glass makes a lava tank, blue stained glass makes a water tank, and white stained glass makes a milk tank. Next, you will want to link yourself to your tank using a Tank Link, explained in the next section. This is done by throwing the tank link on top of the tank. After linking to that tank, you will be able to access it with a Tank Link. Note, the tank becomes linked to the player, not the Tank Link item, meaning you don't have to use the same Tank Link every time you want to access your linked tanks.

Regarding the Bedrock Tank, there are three main stats: fluid amount, bucket amount, and max capacity. When a tank is created, you start with 0 fluid, 0 buckets, and 16 max capacity. The fluid stat is very straight forward, it is how many buckets of that fluid is in the tank. The next stat, buckets, is for how many buckets of a fluid you can store. To increase this, you must throw empty buckets on top of your tank, which will then be consumed and the stat will be increased. Lastly, is max capacity, which is how many buckets your tank can have. This starts at 16, meaning your tank maxes out at 16 buckets of fluid stored. To increase this stat, you must throw a bedrock shard on top of your tank, this will increase your max capacity by 16 buckets per one bedrock shard.

Tank Link
The Tank Link is the key to accessing your tanks, changing between your tanks, and withdrawing and depositing from your tanks. To create the Tank Link, throw a bedrock shard and carrot on a stick onto the ground. They will combine, and a Tank Link will be created. The Tank Link has two main functionalities: accessing the Tank Link Menu and off-hand bucket interactions.

First, to bring up the menu, right-click while holding the Tank Link in either your hand or off-hand. The menu will be brought up in the chat, with the menu displaying the fluid selection, mode selection, and coordinates, fluid amount, and bucket amount of the selected tank. To change between fluids and modes, click on the fluid or mode you wish to change to and it will become selected.

Second, the tank link has functionality when in your off-hand depending on the mode and fluid selected. The two modes are deposit and withdraw. When deposit mode is selected, filled buckets with the same fluid as the selected fluid will be emptied into the linked tank if space is available. For example, if the selected fluid is water and you are in deposit mode, then when you hold the Tank Link in your off-hand and select a water bucket, the water bucket will become an empty bucket and the water will be put into the linked tank. When withdraw mode is selected, empty buckets will become full of the selected fluid if there is fluid in the linked tank. For example, if the selected fluid is milk and you are in withdraw mode, then when you hold the Tank Link in your off-hand and select an empty bucket, the empty bucket becomes filled with milk and your tank fluid amount loses one bucket.

Destroying the Bedrock Tank
To destroy the bedrock tank you can either break the glass or the iron block. If you break the glass, the iron block will be destroyed and dropped. But, if you break the iron block, the glass will be destroyed and will not drop. When you destroy a tank, the contents and upgrades are not lost. All the bedrock shards and buckets used on the tank will be dropped. Additionally, any fluid that is still in the tank will be dropped in the form of condensed fluid.

Condensed Fluids
Condensed fluid can be used to fill up a tank when there are enough buckets to hold it. Condensed fluid comes in three sizes, 1, 10, and 100 buckets, and in the three main fluids, lava, water, milk. To use condensed fluid, throw it on top of a tank of the same fluid, and if the tank has enough buckets to hold that amount of fluid, it will be put into the tank.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.16
toMinecraft 1.17

1 Update Logs

Version 1.0.1 : by MedClockWork 08/30/2020 9:26:49 pmAug 30th, 2020

  • Fixed text bug in advancements

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08/27/2020 7:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AwesomeAndo's Avatar
I don't understand how to put liquids into the bedrock tank. After I drop my shard on the tank a bedrock block appears in the glass and even when I use the tank link and choose deposit & water nothing happens when I hold a water bucket even though I use the right stained glass too.
08/27/2020 12:50 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
MedClockWork's Avatar
I'll look into it right now, I just have a few questions for clarification.
  1. Did you make sure to link the tank to yourself by throwing the tank link on top of your new tank? You will know you are linked to the tank when you change the fluid to water and the coordinates of your tank will show up in its stats.
  2. Are you holding the tank link in your off-hand while you hold a water bucket?
  3. Have you put buckets into your tank to increase its bucket stat? If you just create a tank it cannot hold any fluids, you must first throw empty buckets on top of it to increase its fluid storage.
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