Minecraft Data Packs / Game Mechanic

BearEdit | a WorldEdit datapack

  • check_circle Functions
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Silabear's Avatar Silabear
Site Moderator
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
⚠️ The latest version of only works on Minecraft 1.21+ but versions for older Minecraft versions are available. Please find them here. When downloading, please make sure that you have downloaded the correct datapack version.

Introducing BearEdit, the best world edit datapack for Minecraft 1.20.5+. With no finicky commands or chat based UI, this datapack makes building more efficient. No past experience is required - BearEdit is designed to be as simple as possible, while still being super powerful. Here’s what we’ve got:


  • No commands or confusing UI - everything can be done in seconds without interrupting your flow.
  • No resource pack or mod is required.
  • Barely any lag
  • Multiplayer and server compatible!
  • Works with any blocks, even modded ones
  • Works in 1.20.5 and newer versions

Build Tool item

The Build Tool Item is the item which is used to control the entire datapack. You can only use it in creative mode, and only if you do not have the no permission tag.

BearEdit | a WorldEdit datapack Minecraft Data Pack

move_to_inbox Get the item

To get the build tool item, run /function be:give . You must have operator status in order to run this command.

desktop_mac Info display

When you hold the item, you can see the current selected mode and status in your action bar, just above the hotbar. This will show the next step/any warnings, as well as the currently selected mode.

BearEdit | a WorldEdit datapack Minecraft Data Pack

add_circle How to use

Using the item follows a simple build flow, explained directly in-game through the action bar display.
  1. Select a block to use for the action by putting it in your offhand
  2. Right click on two blocks to specify the start and end positions
  3. Right click to run the action
To demonstrate, watch this short clip:

edit Modes

There are 5 different modes you can use with the Build Tool item. To change the mode, click F to cycle through the options, or hold SHIFT + F to open the mode menu. This is a list of all the modes, as well as their description:

Set (Solid) (demo)Fills the area with the chosen block, replacing anything in the way
Set (Hollow)Fills the outer layer of the area with the chosen block, leaving the inside as it is.
Remove Blocks (demo)Removes all blocks in the area, essentially setting it to air.
Draw LineDraws a straight line from the start to end position made of the chosen block.
Replace (demo)Replaces one type of block with another in the selected area.

keyboard Controls

All the controls are displayed when you hover over the Build Tool item in your inventory. When holding the item, you can use these following default controls to use the item:

Right Click (Use Item)
Right click on a block to select a position, or to run the action.
F (Swap Hands)Cycle through the Build Tool's modes
Q (Drop Item)Reset the current stored positions/blocks, if you made a mistake.
Shift + F (Sneak + Swap Hands)Open the Mode Selector GUI


Run the following commands as an operator to toggle the settings of the pack:

/function be:settings/keep_positionsToggles whether to keep the positions after you run an action, or reset them
/function be:settings/outlineToggles whether the selected are should have an outline.

You can also give any player the tag be.no_perm using the command /tag PLAYER add be.no_perm to not allow them to use the build tool item. Players who have this tag will be shown the text "NO PERMISSION" in the display bar, and will be unable to interact with the item.


BearEdit | a WorldEdit datapack Minecraft Data Pack

👍 If you like this pack, then please give it a diamond or favourite, and drop a comment - I love to see what you have to say! Share it with your friends too to help me get it seen <3

This datapack does not work on Realms as of yet because of a bug

This datapack by Silabear is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Creditme, myself, and I
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

10 Update Logs

v1.6 : by Silabear 06/14/2024 12:59:25 pmJun 14th

  • Updated to 1.21. This version of the datapack no longer works on older versions

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06/23/2024 6:12 am
He/Him • Level 25 : Expert Engineer Artist
Icecats19's Avatar
another is that it can't remove blocks in very wide range
06/18/2024 2:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MQCraft9866's Avatar
bro i really need 1.16.5 i would really appricate it!
06/18/2024 2:47 pm
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
Unfortunately that’s impossible, as it uses features added in 1.20.2
06/16/2024 4:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User5157235G's Avatar
06/17/2024 2:32 am
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
Happy birthday!! :D
06/15/2024 2:15 am
He/Him • Level 25 : Expert Engineer Artist
Icecats19's Avatar
yo, nice work but i think some thing is wrong with the set(hollow)(It doesn't only set the outer layer, it just like the set(soild) command) and the redo command(doesn't work) and also, set
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21
06/15/2024 5:54 am
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
Heya, thanks for the feedback. I’ll look into the set(hollow), but the redo command doesn’t exist (yet), so I assume you’re referring to the “Use Old Positions” button, which will let you set the positions to that of the last command you did.

I’ll change the compatibility thing now
06/06/2024 5:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ghostbee_0's Avatar
why does it keep spamming hi in my chat after i do something ;-;-;-;-;
06/07/2024 2:38 am
He/Him • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Guard Bear
Silabear's Avatar
lol oh no did I leave a debug message in
06/06/2024 5:33 pm
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