Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

Apocalypse Overwrite: Zombies, Structures, and Worldgen for 1.21

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cookedporkbacon's Avatar cookedporkbacon
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
Please unzip the file!
Made for Minecraft Version 1.21

Experience the adventure of a zombie apocalypse!

Loot modern buildings, run for your life, and see if you can still survive and thrive during the zombie siege.

  - Don't burn in the sun
  - Spawn in larger numbers as you gain advancements or change the difficulty
  - Break blocks to get to you (except on easy)

  - Pursue you fiercely when in large groups (even throwing themselves toward you)
  - Slower on easy, faster on hard

  Easy: zombies are slow and don't break blocks
  Normal: zombies are normal and break blocks
  Hard: zombies are fast and break blocks

  - Cities, Small Town, and Country biomes
  - All Vanilla Biomes

  - Roads
  - Skyscrapers
  - Houses
  - Gas Stations
  - Supermarket
  - Silos
  - Airplanes
  - Windmills
  - Hospitals
  - Police Stations

  - Zombies can't break obsidian or iron bars
  - Hold rotten flesh in both hands for a little protection
  - Get some gasoline and jump in a Minecart to turn it into a car! (Warning, this slows down the game a bit)

Does not work on Spigot or Realms.

Possible Future Updates:
  - new structures (taking requests)
  - special villagers
  - crossbow that launches fireballs

  - stuff y'all suggest
How to get random spawn:
  go through the folders: data\apocalypse_overwrite\functions and open the file load.mcfunction. Then uncomment line 10 (delete the # symbol)

Don't get eaten!
CreditThanks to YusufADAM, 24kayden, user3565218g, DrakioX, DiegoVlsqzPint, JCDenton, BlueAquo, VeryBigShaq, Anrky99, WCraft233, ReeceBar, Water_Bear, and JustCallMeZero for testing and suggestions
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.21

19 Update Logs

Update #19 : by cookedporkbacon 06/25/2024 5:16:32 pmJun 25th

June 25, 4 PM
-Updated to 1.21

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06/25/2024 10:03 pm
Level 29 : Expert Architect
EchocallingEarth's Avatar
This is fun, and survival is definitely a challenge. I only wish the generation was better. While nice, the gaps in city sections etcetera are not nearly as challenging as exploring the city and urban sprawls. And thanks probably to Minecraft's poor generation method sometimes this results in yucky positioning of buildings. Still, I love it with it often in my spare time.


The generation is not quite as good as expected

World biome names etcetera could use some work
Same for mobs id's, if a mod or datapack brings these into view it kind of breaks off the fun of it

Zombies and more zombies with lots of details

A ton to explore
A fairly decent loot table system (though repeating in some builds this may be hard to fix)

Final thought a solid 8 of 10 for the Zombie Apocalypse!

Overall: A well-earned Diamond.
06/26/2024 9:08 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
cookedporkbacon's Avatar
This is well thought out, thanks. If I am updating this again, these things will. be on my to-do list. However, I'm not sure what you mean by bringing the mob id into view. If you could explain this it would help me fix it.
06/25/2024 7:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Doquancht's Avatar
Update to version 1.20.4 please
06/25/2024 5:58 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
cookedporkbacon's Avatar
Here it is:

Source code
06/25/2024 8:58 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
cookedporkbacon's Avatar
I'm planning to update to the latest 1.21 soon, but maybe I'll put a 1.20.4 version for you to download on GitHub.
03/11/2024 8:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
fifirom's Avatar
Hello, how do I change the difficulty? does the datapack work on 1.19.2?
03/22/2024 8:48 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
cookedporkbacon's Avatar
Hi. Here's the 1.19.2 version: https://github.com/bacon2/Apocalypse-Overwrite-1.19.2/tree/main
Zombie difficulty is tied to the vanilla difficulty.
01/04/2024 3:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dacuar's Avatar
This is an amazing data pack, but i'm having issues with the zombies, since they seem to break every block, even those included in the inmune json, how could I fix it?
01/27/2024 12:24 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Baconator
cookedporkbacon's Avatar
In easy difficulty mode they won't break blocks. A lot of blocks are zombie-resistant but not zombie-immune. These include stone and bricks. There is a rare glitch where they break iron bars and obsidian, which should be the only things they can't break. I wish I knew how to fix that one, but I don't. If you want them to stop breaking stone and stuff, you could add some block names to the file #apocalypse_overwrite:zombie_immune
02/02/2024 6:18 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dacuar's Avatar
My problem was with the obsidian and iron bars, but i'll try and add other blocks to the inmune file just to see if it does something. Thanks anyway
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