Minecraft Data Packs / Mob

Additional Spawning [Data Pack]

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    01RENDERING01's Avatar 01RENDERING01
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Network
    I am sorry to say things are getting complex and wordy in this data pack.
    The default setting is for SP. If you have any problem about configurations for servers,
    please leave a comment. I will help to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
    Minecraft 1.13 Broken Mob Farm Is Fixed By
    Additional Spawning

    • Spawn More Rare Mobs
    • Disable Breeding to Prohibit Mob Farms
    • Disable Mob AI to Reallocate Server Resources
    The data pack is used to compensate losses from prohibiting mob farms due to entities overpopulation.

    Supported Mobs
    0. Endermite
    Spawn Condition
    When an ender pearl is used.

    Spawn Location
    Where the ender pearl is used.

    Total Spawn Cap

    Spawn Cooldown
    1 second.
    1. Chicken / Cow / Ocelot / Parrot / Pig / Rabbit / Sheep / Mooshroom
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in overworld.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest passive mob is located.
    For Mooshroom: where the nearest cow, which is spawned naturally, is located.

    Total Spawn Cap
    5 per mob.

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds per mob.
    2. Elder Guardian
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Ocean Monument.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest Guardian is located.

    Total Spawn Cap

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds.
    3. Iron Golem / Villager
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Village.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest Villager is located.

    Total Spawn Cap
    5 per mob.

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds per mob.
    4. Magma Cube
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Nether.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest hostile mob is located.

    Total Spawn Cap

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds.
    5. Slime / Witch
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Overworld.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest hostile mob is located.

    Total Spawn Cap
    5 per mob.

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds per mob.
    6. Squid
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Overworld.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest fish mob is located.

    Total Spawn Cap

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds.
    7. Turtle
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Beach biome.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest Turtle is located.

    Total Spawn Cap
    Each turtle will spawn with 4 turtle eggs underneath.

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds.
    8. Charged Creeper
    Spawn Condition
    When the player is in Overworld.

    Spawn Location
    Where the nearest Creeper is located.
    The nearest Creeper will turn into Charged Creeper.

    Total Spawn Cap

    Spawn Cooldown
    350 seconds.


    Please also check update #3 log for update issues.
    0. What is Total Spawn Cap?
    It is the maximum number of spawning that kind of mob within a 128-block-radius range.
    That kind of mob will not be able to spawn when there are 5 of them with the default setting until one of them is killed.
    Therefore, the mob will despawn when the player is outside the range, thus allowing a new set of mobs to be spawned.
    1. How to change Total Spawn Cap? / How to change range limit of Total Spawn Cap?
    (i) Locate the config file of the mob you want to change its Total Spawn Cap:
    [D]Additional Spawning\data\additionalspawning\functions\load\load_<mob>.mcfuntion

    (ii) Locate the following line which should be at the second last line of the file:
    execute at @s run tag @e[tag=addspa<mob>,sort=nearest,limit=5,distance=..128] add keepaddspa<mob>

    "limit" is the Total Spawn Cap. (A larger number will increase server load.)
    "distance" is the range limit of Total Spawn Cap. (A smaller number will increase server load.)

    (iii) Change the number after "limit="/"distance=" to the number you wish:
    execute at @s run tag @e[tag=addspa<mob>,sort=nearest,limit=99,distance=..144] add keepaddspa<mob>
    2. How to change Spawn Cooldown?
    (i) Locate the config file of the mob you want to change its Spawn Cooldown:
    [D]Additional Spawning\data\additionalspawning\functions\load\load_<mob>.mcfuntion

    (ii) Locate the following line which should be at the first line of the file:
    scoreboard players set <mob>spawncd additionalspawni 350

    A smaller number will increase server load.

    (iii) Change the number at the end to the number you wish:
    scoreboard players set <mob>spawncd additionalspawni 60
    3. How to enable breeding?
    (i) Locate the config file to enable breeding:
    [D]Additional Spawning\data\additionalspawning\functions\tick\tick.mcfuntion

    (ii) Locate the config line of the mob type by substituting the mob name into <mob>:
    execute at @s as @e[distance=..5,nbt={Age:0},type=<mob>] run data merge entity @s {NoAI:1,Age:1728000}
    execute at @s as @e[distance=..5,nbt={Age:0},type=<mob>] run data merge entity @s {Age:1728000}

    (iii) Add a "#" character in front of that line to enable breeding for that mob:

    #execute at @s as @e[distance=..5,nbt={Age:0},type=<mob>] run data merge entity @s {NoAI:1,Age:1728000}
    #execute at @s as @e[distance=..5,nbt={Age:0},type=<mob>] run data merge entity @s {Age:1728000}
    4. Mobs won't breed after enabling breeding?
    Try to execute the command:
    execute as @e run data merge entity @s {Age:0}

    The above command will turn all babies into adults;
    baby turtles won't drop scute in this case.
    5. How to configure when a mob's AI will be disabled?
    For passive mobs, their AI will be disabled forever when the player walks near them.
    (distance <= 5 blocks)
    It is recommended to not change the distance for passive mobs. If the distance gets larger, it will increase server load. The config lines are between 1 and 17 of the below file.

    For hostile mobs, their AI will be disabled when the player is too far from them.
    (distance between 6 and 10 blocks)
    However, their AI will be enabled when the player walks near them.
    (distance <= 5 blocks)

    (i) Locate the 20th and 21th line of the following file:
    [D]Additional Spawning\data\additionalspawning\functions\tick\tick.mcfunction
    Line 20: execute at @s as @e[distance=6..10,type=…]…
    Line 21: execute at @s as @e[distance=..5,type=…]…

    "6..10" is the distance between 6 and 10 blocks.
    "..5" is the distance <= 5 blocks.
    (A larger range will increase server load.)
    6. How to reset the data pack? / How to reset Spawn Cooldown of all mobs?
    If you want to reset the data pack, try this one:
    execute as @a at @a run function additionalspawning:reset

    The above command will turn all babies into adults,
    remove all mobs spawned by the data pack;
    baby turtles won't drop scute in this case.

    If you want to reset Spawn Cooldown, try this instead:
    execute as @a run function additionalspawning:reset_cd
    7. How to remove all mobs spawned by the data pack?
    Try to execute the command:
    execute at @a run function additionalspawning:remove
    CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

    3 Update Logs

    Update #3 : by 01RENDERING01 09/28/2018 7:34:24 amSep 28th, 2018

    Added Mooshroom.

    Notes on updating from a old version to a new version:
    • You need to executing the following commands in order to let charged creeper and mooshroom to spawn:
    /scoreboard objectives add chargedcrspawncd dummy "chargedcrspawncd"
    /execute as @a run scoreboard players set @s chargedcrspawncd 350
    /scoreboard objectives add mooshroomspawncd dummy "mooshroomspawncd"
    /execute as @a run scoreboard players set @s mooshroomspawncd 350

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    09/24/2018 6:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    sensaibu's Avatar
    I'm confused on how this works, does installing this allow me to be able to increase the spawn rates of certain mobs? For example can I increase the rate in which iron golems spawn?
    09/25/2018 3:18 am
    Level 52 : Grandmaster Network
    01RENDERING01's Avatar
    In short: Yes, as long as there is one player and one villager inside a village.

    This data pack will spawn the supported mobs at the nearest mob every 350 seconds according to the their own conditions.
    For example: when a player is inside a village which has at least one villager, iron golems and villagers will spawn at the nearest villager every 350 seconds up to a cap of 5 per mob (with a total of 5 additional iron golems and 5 additional villagers).
    09/17/2018 6:45 am
    Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
    Hadjirauf's Avatar
    I Love it
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