Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

[1.15+] End Crystal Gates: use End Crystals and Ender Pearls for long distance teleportation (Multiplayer Compatible)

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V_Tom's Avatar V_Tom
Level 37 : Artisan Miner

End Crystal Teleportation

A datapack that lets you use End Crystals as waypoint gates to teleport long distances across the world without force loading chunks. It is intended to be used in survival and is balanced for survival gameplay, although it would still be useful in creative. This datapack has not been tested on multiplayer and but should be 100% mutliplayer friendly.

What makes this different from other teleportation datapacks?

This pack is intended to be used in survival using vanilla items (End Crystals and Ender Pearls). I believe the mechanics are more balanced then other data packs: End Crystals are expensive to craft (Ghast Tears), are volatile (be careful or they explode), take up space (teleportation books from other datapacks seem op to me), and require a fuel item each time you use them to teleport (throw an Ender Pearl at them). It is multiplayer compatible and an End Crystal gate can be set up by anyone and used by any player to teleport to the location stored in the Crystal.


In-Game Instructions:
  • Drop an End Crystal as an item anywhere in any vanilla dimension. The location where the item lands is stored in the item and "activates" the End Crystal. Be careful as the stored location is permanent.
  • Place the activated End Crystal anywhere in any vanilla dimension. It will emanate additional particles and sounds to indicate it is an activated End Crystal and not just a normal vanilla End Crystal.
  • Throw an Ender Pearl at the activated End Crystal entity to be teleported to the location previously stored (even locations in unloaded chunks).
  • Cross-dimensional teleportation is not allowed. If you throw a Pearl at an End Crystal that was activated in another dimension, it will emanate particles indicating the teleportation couldn't be completed.
  • Unactivated End Crystals can still be placed as normal (just don't drop them as an item before placing).

  • Activated Crystals don't explode when you throw a Pearl at them, unlike normal Crystals.
  • Activated Crystals are reusable.
  • Instead, inter-dimensional travel isn't allowed.
  • While Activated Crystals can be stored as items indefinitely, their stored locations can't be changed.
  • Once an Activated Crystal is placed, it can't be moved or dropped as an item.
  • Activated Crystals will explode like normal Crystals (except when Ender Pearls are thrown at them).

  • Do you think the trade-offs are fair?
  • Should Activated Crystals be one-time use?
  • Should cross-dimensional travel be allowed?
  • Should the stored location in End Crystal items be able to be changed?
  • Should these options be able to be changed on a world-by-world basis? (I.e. you can download it and decide these settings for yourself).
  • Any other suggestions?

  • Download the mod above.
  • Extract the .zip file.
  • Open the new extracted folder and copy the "endercrystalgates" folder
  • Go to the save folder of whatever save you want to install the mod on, and paste the "endercrystalgates" folder in the "datapacks" folder. (.minecraft > saves > [​savename] > datapacks).
  • Run the /reload command in game on the world you installed it on, or just reload the world from title screen.

This datapack should be compatible with any other pack that doesn't completely change basic gameplay. The other issue would be the rare chance that this pack uses a scoreboard that is used by another pack, but that is unlikely.
POI for Other Datapack Devs
This datapack uses an interesting method I discovered for detecting if the NBT data of a player/entity matches NBT data stored in world storage (from /execute store). It's fairly simple and lightweight. If you're interested, look at the detect_ender_pearl_thrower and summon_armor_stand functions in this datapack.

Also there's a simple RNG predicate generator for playing activated End Crystal effects at random intervals. Check out the predicates folder and the gate_effects_timer function if you're interested.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.15
toMinecraft 1.17

1 Update Logs

Update #1: Multiplayer Compatibility : by V_Tom 12/29/2020 3:23:01 pmDec 29th, 2020

Activated End Crystals now only teleport the player whose UUID matches the UUID stored in the Ender Pearl that was thrown at them. This way anyone can throw an Ender Pearl at an activated End Crystal in the proximity of anyone else and it will still only teleport the Ender Pearl thrower. This makes the datapack multiplayer safe.

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07/24/2021 9:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_TheALCHEMIST_'s Avatar
Hi! I'm trying to use this, I activate the end crystal and place it but when I throw a ender pearl it doesn't do anything?
08/14/2021 9:17 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
V_Tom's Avatar
Are you too close to the Crystal? Unfortunately the game can't handle you throwing it close to the Crystal.
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