Minecraft Data Packs / Simple

[1.13 Datapack] Speed Upgrade for blocks

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IoeCmcomc's Avatar IoeCmcomc
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
This is a datapack that allow you to make a speed upgrade for hoppers, furnaces and brewing stands.

If you enjoy this datapack, please give me a DIAMOND!

Feature & Tutorial
First, you need to craft a Speed Upgrade (SPfB) item:
[1.13 Datapack] Speed Upgrade for blocks Minecraft Data Pack
Holding Shift + right click the green icon (it's structure void) to craft the SUfB.
The SUfB item would look like this:
[1.13 Datapack] Speed Upgrade for blocks Minecraft Data Pack
Right-click (hold Shift if needed) the item to a hopper, furnace or brewing stand to upgrade it.

⚫ Compatible with hoppers, furnaces and brewing stands
⚫ Works twice as fast as normal
⚫ Particles when working
⚫ Drop SUfB item when breaking the blocks (survival mode only)
⚫ If you switch the SUfB item to the off-hand slot, upgraded blocks will glow as armor stand
How to íntall
1. Open Minecraft
2. Select your world, click Edit then click Open World Folder
3. Drop the .zip life of the datapack to the datapacks folder
4. Extract the .zip file to a new folder then delete the .zip file (optional)
5. Open your world, then type /reload
6. Done!
[1.13 Datapack] Speed Upgrade for blocks Minecraft Data Pack
Credittryashtar (the custom crafting with NBT method)
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.13

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by IoeCmcomc 09/15/2018 1:29:20 amSep 15th, 2018

Added additional credits.

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05/13/2019 10:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
mictruck's Avatar
Could you update this to 1.14? that would be pretty cool
05/14/2019 3:06 am
Level 32 : Artisan Engineer Sus
IoeCmcomc's Avatar
01/04/2019 2:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
EnderTeddy's Avatar
Awesome datapack, could you maybe make different tiers of upgrades? Also, it feels a bit cheap to have sugar as one of the components... Changing the recipe is something I can figure out myself, though adding different tiers is a bit more difficult.
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