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Zombie Maps Season 2

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coolusername444's Avatar coolusername444
Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
next year prepare for season 2 for the maps

Carneval (carne means meat in Spanish) - Zombies return on an all new frightening new map so battle the undead in an abandoned Carnival and find out what lies ahead

- buildables return
- new teleporters
- roller coaster ride
-buy-able doors and weapons
- enchanted weapons
- needs Freullos gun mod (i dont know how to spell his name)

Previous Maps

-Mansion of the Dead


-Swamp Fever

2nd map: Atlantis
the name says it all
-new stuff
-4 the 1st time potion stations will be available

3rd map: Downfall
now in a broken down town that is near a volcano that has erupted
-bridges return
-big map

cancelled maps
-FrostBite (might revive it)
-Caved -In
Bonus map
Ship Wrecked
more info soon

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