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Your story can be in our Project!

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OneTeamProduction1's Avatar OneTeamProduction1
Level 41 : Master Engineer
2 weeks ago we post a competition. It was free concept and the winner story will be created in our next project.In the finals there were two story's. Fia Rue and DeuxiemeCarlin. Both story were awesome and creepy but there can be only one winner and we decide that Fia Rue 's story is better so congratulation for that ! All of you can read here story HERE
Howling congratulation for winning competition we be in touch for more information!

1 Update Logs

FINAL RESULTS : by OneTeamProduction1 01/10/2020 2:25:17 pmJan 10th, 2020

We have a winner

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01/10/2020 4:17 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Ranger
DeuxiemeCarlin's Avatar
Oh awesome! Congrats to Fia Rue for winning! That was a good story!
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