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Year in Liberty: 2017

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NullCase's Avatar NullCase
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
It's a year to remember, of hard work and wonderful rewards. Here's five stories from Liberty Minecraft in 2017.

The Landing Market take over: The town of Alien's Landing appeared in late July. In August, Alienslayer8 invented the SuperShop, automatically repricing commodities by supply and demand. With this creation Alienslayer8 single handedly took over the economy of Liberty Minecraft. For most of Liberty Minecraft's history, The Bazaar hosted a majority of trade in Liberty Minecraft.

With Landing Market and SuperShops, The Bazaar became a minor player overnight. Most player owned shops at The Bazaar have closed and the entire platform is undergoing a slow and difficult transformation. Even older trade centers like The Farm and surrounding shops have been impacted. Landing Market offered a better deal to buyers and sellers and that's how it won. It's that simple! Landing Market executed most trades until November when Nullmart opened. Since then a considerable market share has shifted. Free-market competition among trade centers is becoming a defining feature of Liberty Minecraft.

Land Disputes
: Conflict over land in populated areas is a very important topic for Liberty Minecraft. These days, it seems a place cannot be defined as a town unless they've had their own spat of Land Disputes. In June and July 2017 one player in particular repeatedly expected others to respect his interests on land that he did not own. One can imagine how well this turns out, but here's the details. First, LeifTheExplorer killed a villager in an unowned trading operation that was built by RadioactiveLee. Lee responded by properly claiming the land that he felt was his. NullCase (myself) responded by purchasing all of the land around LeifTheExplorer's outpost, and later claimed the rest of the outpost once it was abandoned.

In June when RadioactiveLee decided to contribute to Spawn, he neglected to claim the area right outside his front gate. Once again, RadioactiveLee acted as though it were his property while it was not his property. dust_eater claimed the area and wasn't keen on giving it up. RadioactiveLee attempted to "buy the land back" and when that failed he responded by claiming unclaimed areas all around spawn before rage quitting Liberty Minecraft, seemingly for good.

That same month, RodericDragonbow decided to build a stable around an existing claim owned by IPencil9000. He then tried to buy the enclosed land but IPencil wouldn't sell to him. NullCase purchased the land and resold it to RodericDragonbow at a 226% profit.

In July, RodericDragonbow surrounded the Bazaar with land claims and refused to negotiate a deal. He demonstrated a flaw in the design of The Bazaar but he overplayed his hand. In November the value of his actions dropped approximately to zero when NullCase moved out of The Bazaar and constructed Nullmart. This series of events has been captured in "A Bazaar Situation."

In September RodericDragonbow claimed a Llama farm. I believe the land claim was intended to be disruptive, but RodericDragonbow was in the right to claim the unclaimed land. His actions were nonviolent and so no matter his intention the effect was the same: Haksndot realized that he must claim land he intends to own. From this he earned a small profit too! NullCase purchased the land in an attempt to earn a profit by reselling it to an interested party, but failed on this occasion to recoup his cost. Haksndot has since created the world's largest land claim, spanning more than 470,000 square meters, and known as Hrafnia.

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12/31/2017 1:16 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
These server story blogs are nice, you should make more.
01/06/2018 6:03 pm
Level 25 : Expert Scribe
NullCase's Avatar
OK I will!

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