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Xaphanx's Photo Blog

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Xaphanx's Avatar Xaphanx
Level 43 : Master Witch
I decided that I'd take a few different photos for the contest "Photo challenge - indoors edition" by DinowCookie

They aren't all that great but I tried my best~

Xaphanx's Photo Blog

Xaphanx's Photo Blog

Xaphanx's Photo Blog

This last picture is just a collage of all of the pictures together~

I think I got most of the things captured in the pictures but yeah.
now you all have a small view of my home!

- Xaphanx

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03/30/2020 11:04 pm
He/Him • Level 87 : Elite Elf Deity
Captain_JEK's Avatar
I really like the first image of the - I don't even know what it is exactly - maybe a collar?
But yeah, the way it lies there with the dark bottom right quarter and the bright top left corner and the blurry chains in the background and that one stone diffracting the light and giving the image its only colors besides shades of black and white looks super amazing!
What I also really like is that what seems to be black at first glance actually is a kind of dark blue with a tiny bit of green.
And I don't know why but the collar's shape is just super cool, too.
Ah, it looks so good!
03/31/2020 4:57 am
Level 43 : Master Witch
Xaphanx's Avatar
The first image is a picture of one of my favourite pieces of jewellery. It's a mix between a collar and a necklace c:
Glad you like the picture, it's one of my favourite ones too x3 And I'm so hyped over you saw the small amount of colour too~
Thank you so much for the nice words ^-^
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