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Would you take the offer?

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Totodile's Avatar Totodile
Level 33 : Artisan Pokemon
Imagine this: You have been offered the key to a large, lavish and fancy house. It floats in the air on a giant fluffy cloud, and the only person who can get to it is you. You cannot leave this house for a whole year, but it has everything you need to live; food, drinks, internet, safety and even communication devices. You have a team of 100 invisible butlers that cater to your every need spectacularly. There is a magic portal in the master bedroom that, on the 13th day of the month, allows you to leave this house to go and see your family and friends, and buy whatever it is you need. This may sound amazing, but there is a catch.

One of the butlers is an imposter, and nobody knows who it is, not even you or anyone who works with the butlers. On the day the portal is activated, at night, the butler’s eyes glow a bright red and you can see a bloody knife in their left hand. They search for you on that day, and if you do not return back to the house before the day ends, the butler can use the portal to teleport near you and kill you. Nobody else can see the butler and cannot warn you of any of these dangers. You don’t know that you have to be back before the next day, and the only information you are told about the butler is that they sleep in the only other bedroom in the house, which is next to the master bedroom.

Do you take this offer?
CreditMy (one and a half) brain cells

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