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[WIP] My Thoughts On - State of Decay (YOSE)

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Jordanw5432's Avatar Jordanw5432
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Before reading, keep in mind...
- This blog series is called MY Thoughts On, as in, this is just my own personal look at a particular topic; I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinion, and I in no way intended to change your own thoughts on the topic in question.

- I don't use fanbases as a reason for why I love/hate a topic

- There will be SPOILERS

- All comments, agreeing or not, are appreciated :)

Herro, welcome to my first 'My Thoughts On' (MTO) on Planet Minecraft! So, I've been saying that when I do decide to make MTO here that I would start off with something like FNaF: Sister Location, OFF, Black Ops III, etc. However, I recently discovered that there was going to be a sequel to this beautiful, but not well-known, game known as State of Decay, so I figured that while my hype for the game is alive and thriving, I may as well share my excitement by describing the things that make State of Decay such a great game.

...But I suppose a brief description of the game would be nice, huh?

What on Earth is State of Decay?
State of Decay is a 3rd-person open world zombie-survival action game developed by Undead Labs and published by Microsoft Studios on PC and Xbox 360 in 2013, later getting a remaster in 2015 for PC and Xbox One. You, as well other survivors of the zombie apocalypse must, well, survive. How do you survive? You survive by finding a location to call 'home' and can make your base better by building facilities and scavenge
for food, ammo, materials, etc. to protect yourself from the oncoming hordes, but it's not just the zombies that are threats. The people you discover and/or recruit are shaped by your actions, meaning if you're not careful, you could have one less person in your group.

What is the 'Year-One Survival Edition'?
If you want to get the full game, YOSE is pretty much the only way to do so. It's basically the remastered version of State of Decay that I mentioned earlier, but it also includes remasters of the two DLCs (known as 'Breakdown' and 'Lifeline') for free. This also includes not only better graphics, but also adds more missions, weapons, as well a few other bits of content.

Now that you have a basic idea to what State of Decay is, it's time to say what my true thoughts are for the full game.

State of Decay


[WIP] My Thoughts On - State of Decay (YOSE)

When it comes to things such as the graphics and settings of games, generally I don't care. In the case of State of Decay, however, I personally feel like Undead Labs really knew what they were doing when it came down these things. The graphics themselves are amazing, but they're really nothing too special, and the setting isn't the exactly the most creative, but they work surprisingly well together to make a unique feel of loneliness and fear with the overall game.


In terms of gameplay, to me this is definitely by far the best feature of the game to me. It's honestly kind of hard to describe the gameplay, as there's so much to it. You can progress your character's personal skills, collect weapons, drive around the infested towns (and run over some zombies while you're at it), go on missions with other survivors, etc. and it all works well with one another. Hopefully the sequel does add a bit more of variety of missions though, because I will admit, some are pretty boring and annoying, but for the most part are pretty fun to do.


Truth be told, the story of State of Decay is mostly average. Now, I understand that State of Decay is more 'gameplay-driven' than 'story-driven,' but that doesn't just automatically excuse the whole thing. Don't get me wrong, there are the really interesting things that occur in the story, especially since most of the story-related missions are either decision-based or are just simply there so you can kill some zombies, but sometimes they end up being either dull or kind of unnecessary.


[WIP] My Thoughts On - State of Decay (YOSE)

I'm just gonna narrow this down to the characters who are actually canon towards the story, because most of the other characters are just NPCs that you can play as if you want to. When it comes down to the characters of State of Decay, I can pretty say the same thing about them as I did the story; mostly average. There are characters, such as the Ritter family, who do have interesting backstories, but then we get to people such as Pastor William, who are a bit cliche.


Yes. Just... yes. The soundtrack is absolutely lovely to listen to. Now, I'm not good at describing music, but to me, the music makes the game feel perfect in terms of how tense or calm it wants to be. It's mostly just guitar strums, violins, some drums every now and then; the kind of stuff you'd expect to hear on a camping trip (which is funny considering the game starts out as a 'camping trip gone wrong'.)

And here are just some personal favorites of mine:


State of Decay is a neat little game that provides the visual atmosphere, music, and gameplay that makes me want to come back for more, but in terms of the actual story and characters, that's where the game is kind of lacking, but personally I prefer gameplay over story 'n stuff like that, so this doesn't bother me too much. If I was going by a rating system I would probably give State of Decay...

8.75 / 10
It's amazing!

DLC 1 - Breakdown
(Coming tomorrow)

DLC 2 - Lifeline
Not yet.

Other things
Not yet.

Overall Conclusion

Not yet.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Jordanw5432 11/29/2016 7:50:58 pmNov 29th, 2016

-Added Story, Character, Soundtrack, and a conclusion to the 'State of Decay' spoiler

-Added 'Other Things' spoiler

-Fixed grammar and other errors

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12/06/2016 11:53 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
Thehealer's Avatar
well darn,now i have to update my Christmas list
11/30/2016 2:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Wow, the game sounds really awesome...
I shoulda bought it when I had the chance!! ;u;
11/30/2016 2:57 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
Well, you can still buy it XD
12/01/2016 8:24 am
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Now I have to wait until I'm at my father's house X3
11/30/2016 1:41 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc786113's Avatar
11/30/2016 2:49 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
State of Decay is one of those games where it's better to play it for yourself because I completely understand what you mean in terms of the videos
11/30/2016 4:04 am
Level 42 : Master Dragon
Wyvern's Avatar
Diamonded - not yet
11/30/2016 2:47 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Fox
Jordanw5432's Avatar
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