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Windows 10 First Thoughts (plus MC for Win 10)

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avrona's Avatar avrona
Level 40 : Master Explorer
I got Win 10 on the day it came out and I have to say it is awesome! 

I upgraded to Win 8.1 from 7 last October to go along my new PC and it was also awesome but now that WIn 10 has a Start like Win 7 it is hard to me to get used to it. Plus I like the Win 8 start more because it it easier to get to apps and games that arwe not from the store. I also love the addition of Cortana. I liked using her on my Nokia Lumia 620 but it is more focused on business on a phone so it is a lot more useful on a PC to help find stuff, use apps, and navigate the web, literally a Win 8 start that you can talk to. 

I cannot say a lot about all the innigration with my Xbox because I don't care about it too much. I prefer to use thing like chat on my actual Xbox.

And then there is Minecraft for Win 10. It's nothing special. It has a few extra items but nothimg that you will not get in 1.9 or fututre objects. Also you don't play as your normal MC profile but as your Xbox profile. But Win 10 MC has EPIC graphics even for a pixilated game.

And that's it for my first thoughts on Win 10. Aggree?

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Caporal Dxl
08/24/2015 4:50 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
Caporal Dxl's Avatar
I absolutely love the Windows 10 Version. It's in Beta, so don't judge the things that are missing! It's pretty much a new game! I would love to see creative tweaked a little, but I also like the integration of XBox into this! For those Microsoft haters, Mac players and Playstation fanatics, you sirs are not invited to the big cake Microsoft and Mojang are giving us :P

'Nuff said

:D Lol I mean no harm or rage on anyone plz apologize this is a joke (some of it, anyway...)
07/30/2015 1:33 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
Shinyn's Avatar
i sincerely didnt tried to use win 10, a few days ago there was a notification on Mmy laptop saying i can get windows 10 for free, so i saved the backup on my email, and yesterday i opened minecraft and i saw that it works for win. 10 now, i use windows 8.1, do you recommend me to update?
07/30/2015 1:49 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
YES, YES YES! Win 8 is epic but Win 10 is even more epic! Just remember to select KEEP ALL FILES.There is nothing that special about Minecraft for Win 10 Beta exept for beetroots, different boats for different wood types, and some more advanced graphics than in normal MC.
07/30/2015 12:10 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Unicorn
Saracalia's Avatar
As soon as it was exactly released, I upgraded to Windows 10. But then I should've just waited a little bit as I found out a few stuff just with Windows 10:
  • Few bugs within the entire Operating System, which makes Windows 10 a little unstable.

  • Uses more CPU Usage than what Windows 8/8.1 and 7 did.

  • Ugly look to some of the icons on the taskbar, and don't really like the entire Interface Rewrite.

Then I noticed that few programs have small compatibility issue, including Java. Though these issues are only small, they may, or may not be noticable to begin with
07/30/2015 12:30 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
With a 4 GhZ cpu the usage is no problem for me. I did find one bug with java with my Minecraft server program crashing but now it works just fine.
07/30/2015 7:04 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Unicorn
Saracalia's Avatar
yeah, my cpu only has 2.6GHz, and I am not sure how to turn on this CPU burst that can make my CPU run at 3.6GHz.
08/11/2015 9:52 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Goamas's Avatar
Keep in mind that your OS performance, is not just based upon processing power. As for this CPU burst you talk about seems like risky buisness, if this is a piece of overclocking software... First of all it takes a lot of pre-knowlege and patience, to overclock any component in your system, it is basically increasing the power going into your processor, thus making it run hotter, and of course draw more power. Now there is a power issue in that, your co,puter will only allow particular amount of power, and this is down to your PSU (Power supply). So I would definitely approach this software with caution.

As for installing the OS. I would hold back until a few patches are released, fixing some of the kinks that are bound to come with any new software. For this reason I do not agree with avrona's previous comment of "YES, YES YES! Win 8 is epic but Win 10 is even more epic! Just remember to select KEEP ALL FILES.There is nothing that special about Minecraft for Win 10 Beta exept for beetroots, different boats for different wood types, and some more advanced graphics than in normal MC." Although this is all of course opinion based. 

As for avrona, congrats on the 4 Ghz CPU, definitely above average, and nice blog.
10/14/2015 4:56 pm
Level 40 : Master Explorer
avrona's Avatar
Thanks. :-)
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