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Why we got rid of the downvote button.

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DerpyKat's Avatar DerpyKat
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
Back in the old days of PMC, there wasn't just diamonds. There was also negative diamonds, bascially the 'downvote' version of a regular diamond. 


However, in October of 2011, Cyprezz announced that the downvote button was revoked, saying that the button would simply cause hurt and, "I also believe knowing who downvoted our work would give birth to a new breed, Revenge Votes! I think requiring a reason is a complicated solution that in fact would cause more complex problems."

However, recently a large influx of blogs encouraging the return of this feature have been plentiful on the popular blogs list. As I've been reading these, I've found the same reasons over and over again about why they should be brought back, such as, "It would be easier to see who liked your work!" or "It'd be good criticism!". I've actually read Cyprezz's blog quite a while ago, and so when I started seeing so much support for it, then came the question.

Are we ready for it?

There has been quite a lot of complaining recently, saying that PMC altogether isn't exactly as 'well kempt' as it was when it first started off. I'm not criticizing the website in anyway to make offense, but in all honesty, I feel like the community just isn't ready for it. The way I see it, here are my reasons why we should just leave the button alone:

- Like Cyprezz stated, too much of a risk for 'revenge votes'

- Popular posters could easily be sent to the bottom by less popular, jealous members who wish to climb their way to the top in their place

- Each downvote doesn't give a reason why they did downvote, so more 'hate' then real constructive critiscism.

- Too many issues with stolen work, spam, etc.. It would simply add to the troubles this website is already facing

I believe that the best way to show your opinion on a post to comment on it. That's what comments are for right? And if you like it, leave a diamond, maybe comment too, and move on. It's not like you absolutely need the downvote button to show just how much you dislike the post! And really, if you don't like it, give your reasons, possibly help them improve. I would like as much as anyone to get constructive critisicm. 

It may not be a warm and fuzzy feeling when you get constructive criticism, but honestly, it's probably the better alternative.

Thanks to Cuddlez11 for helping me with ideas! Check out her skins, because she makes the cutest ones I've seen!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. School's very busy for me.

Thank you so much for pop reel!

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Key To My Soul
11/30/2014 1:57 am
Level 30 : Artisan Mage
Key To My Soul's Avatar
Cool text FTW
03/31/2014 10:49 am
Level 21 : Expert Princess
VeryBerryIce-Cream's Avatar
No downvote! If u dont like it, then just ignore! Geez >.< Or at least leave some constructive critisism behind!

im glad i was here after the downvote button was removed....

lol, and youtube's rules arent so strict and emphasized either....no offense
04/08/2014 9:08 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
None taken!
03/04/2014 10:32 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
Jeanine's Avatar
I remember when the downvote button was on planetminecraft. I just had joined, but it was quite a weird experience seeing it.
03/16/2014 2:38 pm
Level 45 : Master Sweetheart
DerpyKat's Avatar
I could imagine..
03/04/2014 1:48 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Forgelander's Avatar
I never want another downvote button.
03/02/2014 3:59 pm
Level 43 : Master Mountaineer
revenge_racer's Avatar
I wasn't around during this, but I agree with you. If I really don't like a post, then I comment with the reason why and how they can improve it. Often, the person doesn't even take note of what I said and gives me a re-wording of the description to explain to me why it's passable, but whatever. I agree though, that people who are just starting out and don't really yet understand what's good content and what isn't might post something awful, thinking it's "cool", and they shouldn't really lose points for it, in the same way you can't scold a baby for crying for attention.
03/02/2014 3:49 pm
Level 43 : Master Dolphin
JamieGre's Avatar
I would quite like to see a downvote button. But I think it would be better if it was anonymous. And I don't think it should be responsible for a loss of XP.
03/02/2014 8:13 pm
Level 28 : Expert Nerd
RandomlyRandom's Avatar
Anonimity would give trollers even more reason to downvote someone, simply because they know they can't be caught.  I've seen a website I visit regularly pretty much fall apart for that very reason...and now, only the forums section of it is still active.  Trollers (the intentionally harmful ones anyways) drive away users.  It's as simple as that.
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