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Why Is Being Different So Bad?

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Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
My Name? I'm Luna. Luna Moonstage. I'm Female, 20 Years Old By Your Standards, Work In A Coffee Shop, And I Live In The Demonlands. The Demonlands Are Very Similar To Earth. Anyways, I'm A Demon, If You Haven't Guessed. I'm Actually Different Though… My Skin Is Blue. I'm A Blue Demon, The Only One In History, Apparently. Everyone Makes Fun Of Me, Especially Red Bloodshed And His Gang Of Bullies. Why? Because Everybody Else Has Red Skin. I Know, It's Stupid To Judge Someone By Their Skin Color. I'm Just The Girl Who Was Born A Mistake. Even My Own Parents Hate Me. My Dad Left, My Mom Blamed Me Saying It Was "Because I Was Such An Ugly Disappointment" . My Life Is Messed Up, But I Live In It, And I Have No Intention Of Sulking The Rest Of My Life, But Instead Enjoying Those Few Nice Moments I Have. I Have One Friend Though, Who Has Stuck By Me All This Time. His Name Is Zack. He Was Once With Red And His Gang, Because He Had No Friends, But He Hated Red. So, When They Started Hurting Me, He Knew He Had To Step In. He Saved Me, And Now We're Best Friends! Today Is Monday, Time To Go To College. I Lay Down, Wanting Just A Moment Of Peace Before I Got Up And Everything In My Miserable Life Began. But, At Least No Work Today. I Got Up And Stretched, A Moment Later. "Now Everything In My Miserable Life Can Begin." I Said. " LUNA!!!!" I Heard My Mom Shout. "I'm Coming!" I Shouted Back. " WELL COME FASTER, YOU EXCUSE FOR A DEMON! " She Snapped. "I'M COMINGGGGGGGG!" I Repeated. I Snatched My Unicorn Backpack, Full Of School Books, And Put It Over My Shoulder. I Ran Down The Stairs, To The Meal Area. Of Course, No Food Prepared For Me. I'd Learned From A Young Age How To Cook, Because It Was Either Make Your Own Food, Or Starve To Death. As My Mom Would Say, "Make You Own Food, Or Starve To Death, I Don't Care, Do Either." God, I Hated My Mom. I Quickly Cooked Up Some Bacon, And Grabbed Two Pieces Of Toast, And Rapidly Spread Some Peanut Butter And Grape Jelly On It. I Put The Bacon In A Zip Lock Bag, Grabbed Some Lunch Money From My Piggy Bank, Stuffed The PB&J Sandwich In My Mouth, And Ran Out The House, So I Would Be At School In Time. I Made Quick Work Of That Sandwich, So I Didn't Waste It By Dropping It. Finally, I Made It To College. I Ran Into The College, And Got Into A Crowd. I Looked Around The Crowd Of People Around Me, Trying To Find Zack. I Saw Him A Few Seconds Later, And Started To Run To Him, Before Being Tripped By Someone's Leg. "OWWWW!" I Shouted, Or Course Turning Some Heads, But Unfortunately, Belonged To People Who Didn't Care. "You Should Watch Where You're Going." The Person Who Tripped Me Sneered. I Immediately Knew Who The Voice Belonged To. "Easy For You To Say, You Tripped Me On Purpose, Or Are You Blind, Red?" I Said, Wanting A Little Revenge . I Didn't Normally Act Like This, Usually Encouraging People, Helping People, And Saying Nice Things To People, Even If They Didn't Care. Red Growled And Kicked Me, Making Me Yelp, Before Taking His Leave With His Gang Not Far Behind, Laughing At Me. Then, Someone Ran To Me. "Luna, Are You Ok?" Zack Asked, Concerned For Me. "Yeah, I'm Fine, Don't Worry Zack." I Said Looking Up At Him And Smiling. He Helped Me Get Up, And We Both Went To Class. Everything Went As Usual, Zack And Me Run To All The Classes, I Raise My Hand To Be Picked (But I Never Am), Then We Go To Lunch In Between, I Have Macaroni And Cheese With Tomato Sauce And Pepperoni, We Go Back To Class, The Bell Rings And Zack And I Say Our Goodbyes (More Like, See You Later), And I Head Home. I Started To Head Home, After These Sequence Of Events, and Red Came Out Of Nowhere. I Didn't Want To Have An Even Worse Day, So I Ran Last Him As I Always Do, But Faster So I Wouldn't Be Caught. I Ran Home, Past My Mom, Into The Meal Area, Made Some Salad And Fruits For Dinner, And Went Into My Room. I Heard A Chirp Outside My Window, And Looked. There, Standing Out My Window Was My Cockatiel That I Set Free Every Day, And Bring In When He's Ready To Come Back In. Peppermint. "Hey Peppermint. How's You Life?" I Asked. Peppermint Chirped Happily. "You Wanna Sleep In Your Roomy Cage Tonight? " I Asked. She Did Indeed Have A Very Roomy Cage, It Was Very Big For A Bird Her Size. Peppermint Chirped And Nodded. I Put Her On My Finger, And Let Her Into Her Cage, And Closed The Door Lightly. She Fell Asleep A Few Minutes Later. I Sighed And Smiled, Going Into My Bed And Turning Off My Light. Sure, My Life Wasn't Wonderful Or Perfect, But I Love It, Why Is Being Different So Bad? I Always Ask Myself. I Always Answer The Same Thing Over And Over, Being Different Isn't Bad, People Just Don't Like What They Don't Understand, They May Be Afraid Of You, Jealous Of You, Or Just Like Making You Feel Bad, But This Is Your Life, And You Need To Make The Most Of It.

(Please Excuse My Habit Of Making Every First Letter Of Every Word Capital, I'm Working On It)

Part 2's out!

Drawing of Luna, and another of Red, by my friend, Pidge_Luminosity :
Why Is Being Different So Bad?
Why Is Being Different So Bad?

Comments that touched me:

I am rather partial to NightmarErRoR's blog "Why Is Being Different So Bad?" for its touching portrayal of resilience against bullying that is at once relatable and very creative. - Chiaroscuro

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04/03/2019 1:52 am
Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
gone-'s Avatar
Wow, You Guys Really Like This One, I'm Gonna Make A Part 2 If I Can :3
Eli the Zeratoed
04/13/2019 7:31 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Ooooh! You should! I know this idea may sould cringy, but... What if Luna met Eli Wolftree? ._.
04/13/2019 10:48 am
Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
gone-'s Avatar
Oooh, that's actually a really good idea, i'll try and do that! :D
(I got an idea, maybe Eli was transported to Luna's universe during an experiment? Or, Luna could be transported into Eli's Pokemon universe? I might have to message you a few times during writing the story for a few questions, And I could also read Eli's backstory, or, maybe we could do a collab though messaging?)
Eli the Zeratoed
04/15/2019 1:15 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
I already answered your PM, my spectacular friendy-friend! :D

(And yes, we can collaborate on this scenario! I've always wanted to do something like this for a long while. :3)
Eli the Zeratoed
04/03/2019 12:39 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Aww, this is such a lovely story! Oddly enough, Luna kind of reminds me of Professor Eli Wolftree (my OC), but if she decided to be less mopey and act like her old human self after turning into a Peridot humanoid.

Also, I have a quick question: If Luna's 20 years old, why the heck does she still have to go to school? Normally, around 17-18 years old is the age where people graduate from that heck-hole. Did she get held back or something, or do the laws of Demonlands force you to go to school forever until you get straight-As?
04/03/2019 1:51 am
Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
gone-'s Avatar
Thanks! (Maybe She Really Likes School? Or Maybe Her Mom Forces Her To Keep Going?)
Eli the Zeratoed
04/13/2019 7:30 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
No problem. (I guess that makes sense, but why does she like school in the first place (unless it's Elementary School. That place rocked!)? I don't think her mom would have any control over her schooling, especially at that age, so that's really the only question I have.) :3
04/01/2019 10:15 pm
Level 24 : Expert Princess
rwunes's Avatar
This is really good! I'm just wondering why every single word is capitalized?
04/01/2019 10:28 pm
Level 41 : Master Magical Boy
gone-'s Avatar
It's A Really Bad Habit Of Mine, I'm Currently Trying To Get Rid Of It :3 (Sorry If It Bothers You)
04/02/2019 1:41 am
Level 24 : Expert Princess
rwunes's Avatar
awwww, no its fine! i was just wondering because its not how im used to seeing stuff <3
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