This Blog is an entry in the completed "Minedeas 2" - Blog Contest #10.

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Why Furniture should be Added to Minecraft - Minedeas 2 Blog Contest

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Pika Punch's Avatar Pika Punch
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
I have seen multiple furniture mods which add a feeling to Minecraft which makes the game much keener in the roleplay aspect. If anything, furniture could draw more people to Minecraft servers and probably give the Developers of Minecraft an extra pay check!

If furniture was added to Minecraft, servers such as Towny would be extra popular. Adding chairs, Tables that you can place food on, Kitchen Utensils and Appliances, More Crafting Recipes and it could make houses look more realistic. People building on Minecraft wouldn't have to worry about a fence and a pressure plate looking like a good table anymore because tables would be added to replace that. In any case, this would help boost imagination in all players minds so that they would create mansions, houses, resteraunts, and Texture pack creators would have more options to make their packs more unique. It may also help modders to make better content. Oh and people who do machinimas and all that would be able to make better roleplays and stuff.

In the case of a fire in a home, a smoke detector would be nice. So that you wouldn't have to worry about your bonfire causing havoc anymore. Couches and a television that might tune into YouTube would be amazing. You could watch YouTube videos with your friends without ever leaving your home! Lights that would shine brighter than a torch *might be a little expensive* or maybe a prison for those pesky rule breakers! You could add password doors or window blinds and possibly even a fridge! Who knows what could be added if Furniture was added. And don't forget about your companion Dog/Cat who could have a Doghouse or a Cat Bed! How about a mailbox so that your friends can write on book and quills to give you!

Thank you for Reading this and be sure to Diamond!

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08/06/2017 2:51 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragon
Cpt_Toof's Avatar
Because no furniture in Minecraft.
07/31/2017 11:13 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Jnaejnae's Avatar
One of the few decent ideas in this contest. Though I would argue fridges dont make Minecraft more realistic considering the medieval fantasy setting. However chairs and tables are defiantly would be welcome, but a "smoke detector" and "television would be really silly.

The thing I would prefer much more than a funiture mod, is the ability to essentially craft decorative blocks using small chunks of existing blocks, this way you have more variety in funiture and other decoration, but less clutter ie less items and entities.
07/29/2017 11:03 pm
Level 83 : Elite Artist
Arkadya's Avatar
I've seen alot of these already. I disagree. Mainly because they don't really fit into minecraft. And it decreases the creativity that'll be put in minecraft.

It doesn't really fit, imagine a couch and a smart tv on a cave game. srsly?
Pika Punch
07/29/2017 11:24 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
Pika Punch's Avatar
Alright, I understand. I just believe it would be cool. It's my idea eh? My opinion? :P
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