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Why Don't I Play Minecraft as Much as I Did in the Past?

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Greetings, my loyal friends and dolphins! It's been a long time since I've made a blog before, but I blame my lack of ideas and blog comments for this. Today, I wanted to announce that I just got 100 subscribers!
Why Don't I Play Minecraft as Much as I Did in the Past?
Okay... I'm a little late to the party, but... I guess this is my 128 subscriber special?
Anyways, before I start this blog off, I wanted to tell you guys that you've been such wonderful friends to me, subscribers or not. Even if you're just a humble member reading this, you're still contributing to something great and amazing. All the comments I get from you guys gives me the strength to keep going with these blogs. It's not because I'm desperate, but it's because it lets me know that you're loving the content I put on here and that I made somebody's day a little bit brighter. In life, it doesn't matter how much money you make or how popular you are, it's the accomplishments that you bring and the differences you can make to let the world be a little more of a happier place. That's what I'm doing when making these blogs, and I'd like to not only thank you for viewing these blogs, but I encourage you to follow your dreams. No, really! I want you to actually do it. I may sound a little clichéd, but even if you think you're the worst thing ever and that you are never able to achieve anything, just stop those awful thoughts and never stop striving for what you love and what you believe in. With every darkness, there's a light, and I encourage you guys to keep practicing the talents you love and maybe just make the world a bit of a happier place because of them.
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Wow. I must've gotten a little off track! I guess it's time to get into the real meat of the blog that you guys and Magikarps won't stop pestering me about... An actual Minecraft blog.
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Woah there, my Eager McBeavers! I know you're excited to read this blog, but hear me out. This blog isn't talking about the various servers that are overly clichéd or what version of Minecraft is the worst, no. I'm going to talk about the various reasons why I don't go onto Minecraft as much as I did when I was a young child.
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When I first started Minecraft, I was around 14 or so years old when I started the PC version, and 12 when I started Pocket Edition. I was in middle school at the time, so this game was perfect for getting rid of those teenage woes. As a 14 year-old, I tried to mimic horrible spelling practices like using "u" instead of "you" because it sounded cooler, but that wasn't really the case. Now, I'm not going to go into greater detail about how I got into Minecraft, but that's because I covered most of it on my origin blog on how I got into Minecraft in the first place. As I got older, I discovered what Planet Minecraft was and gained better grammar and knowledge from it. Yeah, seriously. It was you guys who saved me from going down a dark and moronic path where all I did was use horrible grammar and called gold "butter." Now that I'm 17 and Minecraft is currently on version 1.12.2, why don't I go on there? Well, there are plenty of reasons why, so let's start with the first one.
Image result for we see the undertow and we say let's gohttps://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/steven-universe/images/6/68/Tumblr_nwe7p0nMir1uoaih8o4_250.gif/revision/latest?cb=20151023015318

Microsoft Screwing Everything Up

Don't get me wrong! I love Microsoft and it's gorgeous invention of Windows (especially 7, which is currently the version I have now. Who knew that it would be faster than a Windows 8.1 computer!), but Notch made a huge mistake that would doom Minecraft for the rest of it's years. In case you never knew this, Bill Gates stepped down from Microsoft to go create a charity company, which is good. But that means that somebody very corporate became the leader (Whom I do not know the name of him, nor am I going to find out because I'm a little lazy at the moment), which is bad.
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In 2014, it became official that Notch gave away his prized little baby
to Microsoft for 2 billion dollars. Sure, the main team is still working on the game like how Jeb is, but every year, Minecraft is getting more and more corporate. Plushies started appearing in every toy store, Story Mode made the world wince, and the over-saturation of Minecraft started flooding into mainstream social media and TV commercials. With recent news saying that they're pushing Minecraft to be popular for 100 years, they're just basically beating a rotten dead horse corpse until they become zombies themselves.
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The Fanbase
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I'm not talking about the mature and civil members of PMC, no. You guys rock and will have great futures. I'm talking about the stereotypical "fricking fricks" (Oh gosh, typing that out was the worst two seconds of my life) of the Minecraft community. The ones who complain and are childish members 24/7. I'm talking people like this:

Yeah, and those civil people that were trying to stop his rudeness were PMC members that he was fighting with. That's how far the stereotypical fanbase of Minecraft has plummeted. Credits go to KitKat for the image you were just provided with today. This doesn't only go to Skindex either. This reeks onto the gigantic servers of Minecraft like Mineplex or the Hive as well. Some members are good, but others are a nightmare when trying to befriend them while being mature to them. Some small servers have members that are clods (and even some staff if you aren't careful), while others block them entirely. I have yet to find a good server to call home yet, but I do have a candidate that I just reached out to, so no worries. Onto the next reason!

Resource Packs and Versions
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This one is a big one, and it's one of the reasons why I despise having to update Minecraft constantly (unless it's a bug fix). Now, I haven't posted it yet, but I use a custom texture pack that I always have on called EliTeenDolphin's Heck Yes. It makes the Minecraft world less bland-looking, and creating resource packs was one of the reasons why I joined Minecraft. I thought the default look of Minecraft was boring, plain, and possibly even uncanny to me when I was 14 (I still think it does look off to me). When I found out about resource packs, I was stoked! I made the pack right away and let my imagination go insane. It made the world feel personal and unique, and I enjoyed every last drop of it.
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Once Minecraft started throwing updates at me, I started groaning in agony more and more due to it's constant new textures and vague ways of obtaining the textures that I'd have to edit. I eventually just stopped at 1.10.2 and stopped caring about the newer updates and how I was going to edit the textures inside. Just a note to those that are sending their servers to me VIA private messages, unless you have a valid reason behind your version, don't give me a 1.11 or 1.12 server.
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Lack of Server Originality
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When I was a 14 year-old, I never cared if a server was original or not. All I cared about was if the server was factions and if they needed staff or not. I used to go onto every server imaginable to gain valuable experience from each staff position, and I enjoyed it. Once I found newer genres or ones that could let me express my creativity, I started gaining a brain and said "Hey, Factions and PvP is quite spammed at the moment, so I'm going to find an original one instead!" As the days went on, I couldn't find the perfect original server. All I saw were Factions, Survival, PvP, Towny, Prison, Creative and other spammed gamemodes. I'm not saying any of these gamemodes are bad. I actually love Prison and Creative servers! They just have to have a twist in order to impress me. Now that most ideas have already been taken, I think it's safe to say that unless someone is able to think of a genius idea that I'll be there for, rest assured that I'll support it every single step of the way. For now, I'm just going to have to endure the growing amount of unoriginal ideas and plugins reeked into these servers (I'm looking at you, loot crates)...
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Oh, the ever-growing agony! You totally knew this was going to be on here, didn't you? Of course you did. Everybody goes to some type of school or gains knowledge through other means. If you want to know what I want to be when I grow up, I want to be a preschool teacher and maybe even a storyboard artist for Cartoon Network. In 11th grade before I moved on to my senior year, I was given the option to go to a technical school to further my career in teaching. When I was told this, I was shocked! A school where you didn't have to learn any boring useless subjects like trigonometry or history? Sign me the heck up! Sure, I may have loads of work that I have to do, but this was useful information that could make me smarter and happier as a result. If you see me in an inactive state here on PMC and even Minecraft during the school year, you will know the reason why.
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I Simply "Grew Up"

"But Eli! I found proof on the site that shows you aren't grown up! Look at all the images and memes you use! You still like cartoons and that's for children! Myeh!" Hey Magikarp. It's you again. I think it's best to tell you that there is no real definition of "growing up." Now, in my opinion, I think growing up is based more on maturity than it is the TV shows you watch. If somebody knows how to have a good social life, be responsible in the workforce, have a positive attitude towards other people, respect opinions, and solve problems without getting aggravated, that is the true meaning of what "growing up" means to me. It means letting go of those immature behaviors you had in the past and learning better ways to solve problems at any time.

You can still hold onto the cartoons and toys you value most if you see them as meaningful, useful, and if they make you happy when you're lost and all alone. You see them as how an adult would look at art and not how a child would throw a toy around in rage or laughing at sulfur gas and fecal matter jokes. Adults like to joke around every once in a while, but will go back to a calm state of mind afterwards. Teenagers and adults who see enlightening kid shows as childish are more likely just insecure about how they feel about themselves and will try to follow society like a baby duck following it's mother just so that they don't feel different. In reality, differences are the things that make us stronger, and copycats will most likely not be able to make differences like creating a
light bulb or discovering the Theory of Relativity.
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Planet Minecraft may seem like a "kiddie site" to some, but it's more than that. It's probably the most mature website I've seen around the block, and that's saying something compared to the likes of Twitter or Facebook. Most of you guys on here are basically "grown up" in your own way. You guys may be goofy, but you take it in a mature fashion afterwards. You guys like to post enlightening quotes and songs that will brighten up everyone's day. Yes, there is a good side to popular social media sites like Twitter, but that's normally overshadowed by it's bad side. That's why I quit Minecraft a little in the end. It's bad side of the fanbase has overshadowed the good side, and there is nothing productive I can see from it. Singleplayer may be an option, but since I'm an extrovert and need people to feel joy from a project, I've grown tired of it as a result.

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The Verdict
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In the end, I believe these are the reasons why I stopped playing Minecraft. I will eventually come back someday, but PMC will most likely be my place of residence on this big wide web of ours. Do you have any thoughts about the subject? Did you quit Minecraft at all and why? Do you like waffles? If so, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and remember to live your life the porpoiseful way! Peace!
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08/27/2018 12:51 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
DrownedPound's Avatar
You're right, Peridot... why don't you play as much Minecraft?
Eli the Zeratoed
09/22/2018 7:16 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Well, it's still the same reasons (Except for school. That's off the list. xD) above and PMC. xD
03/18/2018 1:43 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
your blogs are always so fun to read! The memes and the way you write makes it really hard to stop reading! ( Which is a really good thing, becuase I was very interested in it! ) This is a fantastic blog! Keep up the great work! <3
Eli the Zeratoed
04/28/2018 3:21 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Aww, thanks! That's really nice of you to say something like that, and I'll be sure to make more blogs like this in the future! :D
04/29/2018 6:20 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dwarf
MuggleWorthy's Avatar
yay! can't wait to see more! :D
Eli the Zeratoed
05/05/2018 11:42 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
And I'm glad to hear that! :D
01/30/2018 5:50 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Botanist
mitties's Avatar
was there even a minecon 2017???  annyyyywaysss.. i strayed away from minecraft because it got genuinely boring after a while and I got into overwatch lol
Eli the Zeratoed
02/03/2018 1:22 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
I'm not quite sure if there was a MineCon 2017 or not...

But yeah, Minecraft does get boring after you've done everything it's had to offer. Compared to most shooters, Overwatch looks pretty fun with the different characters you can play as with different stories attached to them. I was thinking about getting it, but everything has to cost money nowadays... RIP. :P
01/29/2018 12:05 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Princess
Armscelli's Avatar
Phew I agree with and btw Nice to see an steven universe fan
Eli the Zeratoed
01/29/2018 3:26 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Oh wow! You're a Steven Universe fan too? Sweet! Who's your favorite gem?
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