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Why Do we PVP in Minecraft? - ThePokeCrafter

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ThePokeCrafter's Avatar ThePokeCrafter
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
I know what some of you may be saying: "Because It's Fun."

Think About It
 All you ever do in PVP is restlessly kill each other. If your on a factions server or survival server, the awnser would be gear. But why use this method of obtianing items? And also, on pvp servers, gear is evenly distributed between players. All you do is: Kill, Kill, and Kill

My Awnser
      To satisfy anger in real life. Example: Most people like me, have a lot of stress in school, and some people are extremly mad if they fail on a test, or somthing like that. Although this is a valid point, I just still dont know why people do this. Minecraft was designed for mostly Coperative play, and PVP makes it a PVP game. [Example of PVP Games: Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty, Dota 2, Etc Etc..]

Tell me in the comments what you think about PVP in Minecraft. Also, Dont bitch about how wrong I might be on my 


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05/31/2014 6:25 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
TheSploochers's Avatar
There are many, many, many reasons why people PVP.
One of the reasons could be the same as yours, or frustrating someone else.

I personally see it as a competetive side of the game, seeing who's the best and who's got the most skills to fight the best.

It's not necessarily to express your feelings, could be but it's mostly just for fun.
Although I don't PVP cause I tend to rage a lot when I do. xD
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