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Why aren't newcomers to servers trusted a lot?

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bigcheese337's Avatar bigcheese337
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Why aren't we trusted when we just enter a game? this blog discusses why aren't we trusted maybe it's because were new? NO! it's because WE might grief or cause total destruction. some owners will just ban for no reason and that really ticks us off so a guy would be like " Oh, this building blew up cause the NEW guy did it" [ Lie ] so now we are mad and want revenge but we cant since we are banned so we get on a friends account and solve out the problem and the original griefer gone. so we smile with glee and cheer.

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06/05/2012 3:00 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Niterider11's Avatar
i agree with u except when u get to like trusted the new people start to gang up on u and ur friends because u r more powerful then them, but when u kill them they start hacking so it gets boring and u just rage quit the server!!!!!
01/23/2012 1:05 pm
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
modernMC's Avatar
i like the humerous side of this blog

01/25/2012 7:43 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
bigcheese337's Avatar
why thanks. i can be very humorous
01/01/2012 9:43 am
Level 29 : Expert Lumberjack
firepower416's Avatar
bad blog i use my imaginairy downvote
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