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Why 1.9 Sucks

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TylerIsAWolf's Avatar TylerIsAWolf
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Oh look it’s me again!

Hi there. I was going to post this earlier but apparently smaller levelled members can’t post twice within 24 hours. I am making this earlier and I’ll post it tomorrow.

UPDATE: My blog was taken down for being spam. I can understand, but why can’t I post now then? I’ll probably write all my blogs a while before uploading on Word so that if they get taken down I can put them on my website.

So today I am going to talk about why I don’t like Minecraft 1.9. I got my Unpopular Opinion hat on and I’m ready for the backlash, so let’s go!

Why I Don’t Like 1.9
Note: Most opinions are exaggerated! Do not take this 100% seriously. 
Surprisingly enough this is my opinion. Don't get your Elytra in a twist.

1 – Elytra
Elytra seems like a nice concept, wings. But no. In my perspective they are too overpowered. They can fly you basically straight forward, and down a bit, to your destination. No food needed. This seems great, but it seems more like something from a mod. I know they are only found in chests in the end, but come on.

2 – Tipped Arrows
I don’t mind these much, just how you get them is bad. To get a tipped arrow you need to throw your arrows on the ground, the ones you want to tip, and use a splash potion on them. I really think you should have to use a crafting table instead. You could make it so that you put any amount of arrows into the table, but for every stack you use you get one less level on each arrow. So if you a potion of slowness lvl 1 and 2 stacks of arrows it won’t enchant them, but if your potion had lvl 2 it would enchant both with one. If you had one stack of arrows with a lvl 2 potion is would give it lvl 2. Hopefully you catch my drift.

3 – The End Changes
The ability to summon the Ender Dragon is stupid. The Ender Dragon is a massive awesome end game boss, not something you should be able to kill time and time again. It would be like is in Star Wars: A New Hope if Luke and the rebels could just summon a new Death Star and beat it again. People will just use this to get tons of xp if they can’t build a farm yet.

I don’t mind the new islands, but we didn’t need it.

4 – The PVP Changes
I don’t hate these changes, I like the idea of being able to hit harder if we wait. But I think the waiting should be like on a bow. If you hold long enough it does it harder and stronger. They should use the time bar to show how long until you will be strongest, then you will release the left mouse button. It should also count as a critical hit when you do that.

5 – Command Blocks
Tyler is about to get mad…
Did we really need 3 types of command blocks? Why not one that you can change inside the console to change it to the other types. Command blocks were easy before, we didn’t need this. It takes away the need for redstone when using command blocks. Now everything is too compact, it is just a massive square of blocks sometimes. I probably will never use the new ones, I really don’t need them.

And I nearly forgot…
6 – Duel Wielding
Duel wielding has always been a thing found in mods. A lot of people have wanted this for ages, but I don’t see a need. It may be cool to hold a sword and a bow at the same time, but you aren’t going to be using both at the same time. You could easily switch before between a bow and a sword. If you do use both at the same time you must have skill because you’ll be jumping with the sword and aiming with the bow, impossible. This could also be used for mining, if you hold a pick and a torch and this is something I do see as being helpful. But I really wish they did different things instead.

7 – Frost Walker
Okay seriously.
Frost Walker is way to stupid and way to bugged in some ways, though the bugs may be features. Frost Walker is a new enchantment for boots that gives you the ability to walk on water, but the ice will slowly crack. I hate this. Enchantments always help with fighting and protecting you. Since when does ice protect you? Maybe running on water like Jesus might help get away, but when did we ever need this. It is way to magic for Minecraft. We don’t need to be Elsa. Also, why can you do this underwater as well? You could just add code that tests for water on the boots level, but no. It should also return the water to the original state it was in. So for flowing water it will continue flowing. Or just remove it, I don’t know.

Here are some things I’ve wanted for a while, so I guess this is a good place to put them.

1 – New Buckets
Instead of just having an iron bucket they could also add stone and wooden buckets. Stone buckets could do what iron buckets do now and iron buckets could hold 2 blocks of liquid. Wooden buckets would be able to carry water but if you carried fire it would show an animation of the bucket catching on fire and then it would place the lava where you are, killing you most likely.

2 – New Bows
This should definitely have been in this update. An important part to combat, bows, have never had any other types other than the wooden bow. They could add an iron, diamond and gold bow. They could also add a stone bow, though I don’t know about that. The new bows could be more powerful when shooting and break much slower than the wooden bow.

3 – A New Boss
For ages we have only had the Ender Dragon and the Wither, but it would be better to have 3 big bosses you fight when you get great armour. It definitely sounds better in my opinion. They should definitely keep it in the style of the other 2, dark and destructive. It should be some kind of Nether boss since we have one we fight in the overworld and on for the end already.

So as you can see I have just started a massive argument and mob against me from only 1100 words against 1.9.

Have fun, goodbye!

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06/07/2018 8:19 pm
Level 83 : Elite Artist
Arkadya's Avatar
I know this is a very old thread. And I came here to tell you, your opinion sucks. Your like a 9 year old who cant accept any changes but woukd whine if they dont update the game.

Elytra are fine. They are super end game item which means by the time you get an elytra you already have multiple bases/farms spread apart. Elytra makes traveling easier.

I dont see anything wrong with tipped arrows, it's a new mechanic.

End changes. On the point you made of luke respawning the death star, if they could benefit from it they would respawn it. Much like the ender dragon, you can get tons of exp and the obsidian towers would reset making a great obsidian farm.

Pvp changes. This brings balance. And the bow part, it's been there for ages.

Command blocks. Im have my expertise on building and command blocks. And seeing this update brings joy to me. You can now use ton of command block without other redstone devices. Command block creation can now be compacted easily. There is now a Repeat Cmd block which doesnt lag unlike the rapid redstone thing.

Dual weilding is mainly for shields. But if you have optifine, you can have a torch on your left hand and a pickaxe on the right making mining easier and consume less torch.

Frost walker. It just makes traveling across oceans easier. A good subtitute to an elytra.

Now about your suggestions.
Buckets. Not really nescesarry since it would only harm the player. No thanks

Bows. If we would apply your logic on your previous statements, it's a thing found in mods. And I dont see a reason why this is really needed. I never felt that the current bow lacks something when Im using it.

Boss fight. Eh I'll give you this one
05/06/2019 6:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
TylerIsAWolf's Avatar
It's been 3 years and I agree with you now. To be honest I still think the buckets idea would be good. I think it'd be good if in the early game you could still pick up water and if later with iron (although it might be better as diamond) you could pick up 2 blocks of water/lava (but not both).
09/17/2017 2:16 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
AGiLE-EaGLE1994's Avatar
We don't have an overworld boss yet! Unless you count the Wither.
There is not overworld EXCLUSIVE boss yet anyways.
If there was, I'd want it to be some sort of sea creature, and no, the elder guardian doesn't count. It's just a miniboss, not a real one. I was thinking maybe a giant shark (Megalodon like one) or a Krakken like squid monster?
08/28/2017 3:58 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MasterArcher12's Avatar
1.9 basically sucks except for the fact that it appreciates our kind! (Lefties)
03/15/2017 1:01 am
Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
AGiLE-EaGLE1994's Avatar
I agree that the dual wielding sucks. But I think it sucks because in mods (Such as Mine & Blade Battlegear) you can use two swords at once and left click to attack with the one in your left hand. In Vanilla 1.9, you can't use a sword in your left hand even though you CAN put it in the slow, it's basically just for decoration.
08/28/2017 3:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MasterArcher12's Avatar
Decoration? The right-hand side is the decoration!
08/28/2017 3:54 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MasterArcher12's Avatar
Hey! You can attack with your left hand! Do not discriminate left-handers! RUDE.
09/03/2017 11:20 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
AGiLE-EaGLE1994's Avatar
If I was discriminating against lefties, I'd be discriminating against MYSELF.
I AM left handed. XD
09/15/2017 6:22 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
MasterArcher12's Avatar
Then... why are you even doing that...
09/17/2017 2:14 pm
Level 28 : Expert Dolphin
AGiLE-EaGLE1994's Avatar
I just hate how with vanilla dual wielding you can't attack with both weapons, but only with one, even if you're holding two. One hand must have a weapon and the other must have a shield for it to be useful.
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