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where I've Been

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Ender_Knight56's Avatar Ender_Knight56
Level 17 : Journeyman Mage Warrior
Ok here's what happened, I was taking the city bus to a friend's house when a semi came and tore half the bus. 4 People died 11 were injured, I got sucked out of the bus from the speed of the truck and I broke my arm and both legs. I really hate living in a city now ☹.

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Ender Sparkle
03/09/2024 12:01 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
Ender Sparkle's Avatar
I hope you get better soon. Ask me about anything you missed through these 2 months
03/09/2024 11:12 am
Level 31 : Artisan Goblin
bigotato's Avatar
Bro I'm legit so sad for you. I really do hope you get better! I cannot imagine how hard this could have been.
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