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When You Make A Cake

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AmityCharm321's Avatar AmityCharm321
Level 17 : Journeyman Pony
When You Make A Cake
So, this is a real thing that I did with one of my friends.

It begins and I was on my server with my friend.
We were both new at the game, so we deciced to try and craft a few things (we didn't know about websites designed to give crafting recipies at the time) I looked in the achievements to see what I could make. I saw "The Lie" aka the achievement you get when you make a cake. So, I try my hand at making a cake, and let me tell you, I was not what you would call a crafter or a minecraft chef. I think I tried for over a half an hour, my friend helping me, and we STILL couldn't make a cake. I finally gave up and just went on a full out minecraft rage. Me and my friend were so frustrated, I just typed in "Minecraft Cake" into my Google search. And that's when I felt like an idiot. I found a few websites that actually told me how to make a cake. So, I looked at it, tried to make a cake again, and it worked. Honestly, I felt like part of my life was wasted.

Lol, so I how you enjoyed my little  "Beginning Mincraft" story. I migth do more, if you like. Just comment if you want me to continue. :)

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