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What's so bad about updates?

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Princess Kakashi's Avatar Princess Kakashi
Level 1 : New Miner
Okay, Okay. I know this is sort of a rant, but hear me out.

People are always compaining that Minecraft is going downhill with all of it's updates, or that mojang is making to many to quickly. But what's so bad about them? Why not just go to the menu and set the game to an older update? I think that the new updates are great, but that's just me. 

Let's go back a bit. Minecraft 1.5, the redstone update. This update brought joy to all the redstoners out there. Droppers, daylight sensors, hoppers, comparators, weighted pressure plates! And the minute I go on to my favorite server to test out these wonderful redstone tools, my chat is flooded with "Omg this update sucks." "nobody likes redstone, why dont they add guns or dinosaurz??" (I'm not kidding, this is what was really said). People were saying that all the items are useless. Even quartz, and I, as an avid builder, love it. nice texture, looks great on greek styled statues. And still, people say it's useless and ugly. The redstone update didn't even impact gameplay much, it was an update meant for redstoners. And people hated it anyway, just because it added some new features.

Let's slide a bit more forward in time. 1.7, our current game version. The day this came out, I got on my laptop and started it up. I explored a tad on a new world, and I was mesmerized by the new biomes, world type, flowers, fishing mechanics, by everything. I knew that these new blocks unlocked a world of possibilities for natural-themed builds, my favorite type of build. And once again, I joined a server, and people complained. 

I love updates. New blocks, mobs, a universe of ideas for maps, minigames, and more!
Command blocks changed redstone.
And horses changed the way you traveled.
And soon, endermites will change the way we farm endermen.

In conclusion, I know that Minecraft will continue changing, and people need to get used to it. The updates make the game better.
More building blocks. More mobs for farming and fighting. more commands for mapping.

More fun.

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northrup 117
04/30/2014 11:12 pm
Level 29 : Expert Skinner
northrup 117's Avatar
I wish more people would realize that you can edit your profile in the launcher so you play older game versions. When 1.7 came out I hated it a lot but you didn't see me complaining and ranting about it to everyone. I just went back to 1.6 and I was happy.
04/30/2014 10:40 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Network
irritatedCat's Avatar
<Fluffykinz> Omg the new 1.8 update wil b soz bad.

<Bob> Why?

<Same Other Player> *Sweat* I mean, where I do, like, startzles? /:D

<Bert> |:|

<Annoying person.> I don't know anymore!

Moral of Story: Don't speak out of your blocky head.
04/30/2014 9:41 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
This is an overused topic.
04/30/2014 9:35 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Pokemon
EnchantedM's Avatar
i made a post on this too lol thank you for being on my side! xD
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