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Whatchu guys want?!

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Ajthegreat's Avatar Ajthegreat
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
Hey guys and gals :P
I just thought I'd put what I'd want from the full version of Minecraft once it's done, and ask you guys what you'd like to see in the finished version! Well, I think it'd be awesome if Notch upgraded the multi-player so if you just wanted to play with a couple of friends you don't have to waste all the time, effort, and memory making and maintaining a server.
That's what I want! :P But, what do you guys want in the final version?!
CreditAndrew J. Maarse

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12/03/2011 3:50 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
thefungi's Avatar
id like to see more colors for art~~~
11/26/2011 12:46 am
Level 22 : Expert Warrior
murgaloaf's Avatar
When playing single player, make a world generation option on how you want your world to be generated.
Like saying, "I would like a snow biome with a extra large world (5000x5000)". I just want this because it can prevent lag.
10/08/2011 6:11 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
pony77867's Avatar
I'd like the easier multiplayer, plus something that pops up after a while ivintips.
07/29/2011 2:08 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
Freazen's Avatar
I second an easier multiplayer set up. Perhaps some kind of way to get quests, just something for a little purpose. And maybe a way to make statues.
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