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What True Pain Looks Like Minecraft Video

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Juanthemovie's Avatar Juanthemovie
Level 39 : Artisan Pokemon
I made this video from a real life traumatizing event that has happened to me. I went to the kitchen for a snack only for my foot to slam right into the corner of the wall. It wasnt bad enough for me to go to the hospital but imagine if you slammed your desk with all your might and then imagine that again but with your foot and a corner of a wall. And that pain that made my soul leave my body for a split second gave me the idea to manifest my pain into a visual representation! Thats it. I just wanted everyone to know about what true pain looks like plus I really enjoyed making this video.

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Papa Enny
01/30/2023 7:37 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Oh, no you are concrete!
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