This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

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What makes Tea a Minecrafter? 🍶 | Blog Contest | Pop Reel

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spookysoph's Avatar spookysoph
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn

What makes, well, anyone, a Minecrafter?
They love the game, is that the answer? Certainly not.
Some people are extremely passionate,
Some are very creative,
Some are just plain obsessed with this simple sandbox game.
I use this beautiful game to build.
I absolutely love to make homes, and I let my imagination run with flying colors.

Some others just play on servers,
and some individuals like to experiment with redstone.
What is the point? A non-Minecraft player might say to another.
The point is your own, your own preference, your own enjoyment, what you make up of Minecraft.
Sure it might be a game that some spend hours and hours on, but that must not be what all Minecrafters should be labeled as. I believe that Minecraft is an astonishing game full of possibilities, whether you are a simple, vanilla
Minecrafter, or a modded to the max one, you too, truly love the game, for it's content and what it holds to you.
What are you?

A Builder?
A Modder?
A Redstone-Fanatic?
A PVP Lover?
A Fan of Servers?
A Person who Loves Role-Play?

Whatever you are, those labels shouldn't ever make up what you love about Minecraft.
It should be a simple concept.
You are a person who loves new ideas, new thoughts, experimenting, trying new feelings and emotions.
I say that whatever one that you pick, shouldn't matter, technically.
if you love Minecraft, it shouldn't be called an obsession.
It is simply a strong love for a wonderful game,
created by a brilliant team of people, and a man who knows what this feeling is, a strong aura of no rules.
He knows the concept of imagination, the thoughts racing inside your skull, as you think of new things.
Even though it is simple. . . It can open up a person's life or brain.

Like building.
Like modding.
Like PVP.
Like role-playing.

Or whatever comes to mind that you love about this game.
Do you believe in this form of entertainment, or finesse?
Or do you think it is nonsense, not something people should love?
It definitely doesn't matter when it comes down to opinions, people are different, and I know that.
But some do not.

So the answer is:

I do, happen to love Minecraft.
I love it's endless possibilities,
I love what it holds,
I love it's feeling of relaxed gameplay,
I love,
To build.
I can do absolutely whatever comes to mind. . .
A long, 2 week project,
or a simple, 2 minute cabin.
My point is, after a long road of playing this game is,

That you,
Yes, you,
Can make whatever.
Can do whatever.
And can believe whatever you want about this game.

You have something,
That no one really recognizes quite often.
You have a tendency to think up mind-boggling thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, experiences,
You are inspired.
You are some sort of, inspired creature, that walks on two legs. You have this thrust, this thirst for new things.
Your brain, your mind, feeds on imagination, it devours new things, and enjoys every last bite.

But I hold it in my heart,
As one,
Truly brilliant game.
Even though simple,

That is what makes it beautiful.

Is that creativity is the focus.
It is the raw, driving force that makes this game.
It creates it's passion,
it's steering wheel;

Is creativity.

τhε ξηd

Thank you for reading, I really enjoyed making this. Sorry I got so deep, man. That's not usually like me heh
So anyways, hope you felt the same as me at some level!

So I am not totally sure about this, I just want some assurance. I wasn't totally confident that it was on topic???
I tend to drift off into a sea of words and stuff, like "DAT SOUNDS GOOD PUT IT SOMEWHERE NOW" So some of it sounds like complete and utter mumbo jumbo. So tell me. I need to know if it is okay

So yea
Hope ya liked it (xD wat)
Bye then!
(ɔ◕▿◕)ɔ tanks

okie bye ♥

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by spookysoph 07/31/2016 12:32:47 amJul 31st, 2016

Just added some word changes and more descriptive paragraphs. Used the word creative too much xD

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08/18/2016 7:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Sho I didn't make it to the finalists, that's got me down, but, it's okay. Thanks for your guys' support though.
08/15/2016 9:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Artist
OkamiNeko_'s Avatar
this legit blessed meh
08/15/2016 11:02 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Lel xD glad it did yo -3-
07/25/2016 6:49 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Sorry for teh long read 😬
07/24/2016 10:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Unicorn
Bumblebqe's Avatar
Amazing! Definitely making me regret my post ♥♥ Wonderful work! Hope you get in the top 3 c;
07/24/2016 10:47 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
Oh my goodness THANK YOU! Never regret posting yours, it is really really beautiful. I mean girl, you are in the top spot for the most popular blogs right now! Das cool. Whelp thanks anyways, you are so kind 😊
07/24/2016 10:48 pm
Level 42 : Master Dragonborn
spookysoph's Avatar
I hope you get in the top too by the way :D ♥
07/24/2016 10:49 pm
Level 21 : Expert Unicorn
Bumblebqe's Avatar
Aw thank you ^o^ ♥
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