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What makes Minecraft amazing - Outside of the game!

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chancechancechancech's Avatar chancechancechancech
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
Why is Minecraft awesome? Well, apart from the game being awesome and all of the usual stuff you hear.. I'd like to go outside of that.

Minecraft is awesome because it made communities, taught loads of teenagers the advantages of coding, inspired us to learn digital design, created businesses (Hosting companies, advertising companies, even this site that we're on right now.), and much, much more. I'd like to touch a bit of each of these examples.

The first being computers. If you're like me, and you get terrible FPS (Frames per second), then I bet you hate it. I hated it so much that I looked into building my own computer, just for Minecraft! I learned the ins and outs of everything computer related. Ask me anything, I'll prove it. I am not alone when I say this, I know plenty (At least 100 others) that built their own computer just for the purpose of Minecraft and other games. If it weren't for MInecraft then I wouldn't have any of the knowledge on comptuers that I have today. I am grateful that I do know about them, they're practically my life! (I encourage you to look into this as well! I buy all of my computer parts on a site called NewEgg. I'm not sure if I can post the link in this article, so I won't bother risking it. Just Google it!)

Coding is another reason. Yes, coding. Every mod on this site was coded by someone. Bukkit/Spigot, plugins, MC sites.. They're all made with code. I learned how web developement just so I could create my own website for my Minecraft server. Although it never launched, it is still a great skill to learn. There are thousands of plugins on Bukkit, most of which are made by typical teenagers who play the game and loved it so much that they learned Java. Java is a skill that most adults don't know. Some adults don't even know it exists, sadly.. Some people that I know have even gone as far as going to college and majoring in Computer Science.. Simply because of code. Very stretched out, but yes. Minecraft has created professional developers. (For those actual programmers reading this, yes I say code. Programming is more formal, and this is a gaming site. Not a business.)

Graphics! Every server and site needs them. Minecraft players lucky enough to have the talent of drawing tend to create all kinds of things. Servers need a server icon, banner, logo, all kinds of site graphics. People have made Youtube channels of themselves creating Minecraft drawings and animaations. Minecraft has allowed us to learn how to create professional graphics and use all kinds of design applications. Another reason to love Minecraft!

Business! Most people probably wouldn't think of this... But yes, many many business have been created. Some very large businesses such as PlanetMinecraft itself.. A tier 7 website that gets nearly 40,000 users daily! There are tons of other Minecraft sites, such as server sites, skin sites, blogging sites, texture packs, you name it. There are also hosting companies. For those of you who don't know, a hosting company is a company that runs servers. I ran one myself with 2 of my friends. These companies not only help the creator of them but also helps the community and keeps Minecraft alive.

Youtubers.. Yes I said it. There are tons of Minecraft Youtube channels. We all know the big ones, such as Sky and Sparkelz. These Youtubers are tied into companies and servers as well because they get paid to advertise for them. In a way these Youtuebrs do own a business because many of them sell merchandise and advertise for money. Some may provide partnerships. Many players of Minecraft have created their own channel for a hobby and found entertainment in doing so! I plan on opening one very soon once I resolve the problem I'm having with my computer (:/). Youtubers provide us with a source of entertainment and fun! You might wonder why I'm going over Youtubers, but if they didn't exist the Minecraft world would be very different.

I can't really come up with anything else to go over.. So yeh.

I would really like to thanks Mojang. They have taught us teenagers to do some things that adults who went to college do for their jobs. I am friends with several large developers for large servers and they are going to be very succesful. I'm friends with graphics artist that started just because of Minecraft. I know people who run hosting companies just because of Minecraft. I would like to thank Mojang for creating Minecraft because of the community it has created and all of the friends I have made by simply playing a game, well, more than a game. Without Minecraft, I don't know what I would be doing. It has impacted my life in such a way that I would be completely different without it. This may sound stupid, but it is true. As mentioned above, all of my hobbies now pertain to computers and gaming, just because of Minecraft.

I hope that you enjoyed my blog. If you have any other reasons for why the game is amazing, please comment them! I would love to read them.

Diamond the post if you like it! I don't want you to diamond the post just because I asked, do it only if you find the blog diamond worthy!

Happy crafting c:

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05/01/2014 1:31 am
Level 32 : Artisan Hunter
Wyvernian's Avatar
Minecraft has done the world a service!
04/30/2014 11:52 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Engineer
chancechancechancech's Avatar
Sorry I didn't bother to make the text all pretty by changing font size and font color. C:
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