This Blog is an entry in the completed What Makes You a Minecrafter? - Blog Contest #7.

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What makes me, Starman a Minecrafter?

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StarmanZero's Avatar StarmanZero
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
What Makes Me Minecrafter?

Nothing really makes me a Minecrafter. I just happen to like the game a lot. I see a lot of potential coming from games like this. A chance to unite many people and make huge changes to the online community, not the world, not yet at least. Everyone is a Minecrafter in their own way. That person right there happens to be a great builder, but then that one happens to love the adrenaline from battle. Me personally, I just happen to do a little of this little of that. It wouldn't be fair if I say what makes me a Minecrafter when there are no requirements to being one. Anyone reading this is a Minecrafter, I mean, you are on this website for a reason, aren't you? Well other than being a Minecrafter, wouldn't it be more important to ask, what you do to represent the Minecraft community? Some people like to make videos to make others happy, others like to play games with their friends and families, but then other people use the game as an escape from whatever their real life is from. Minecraft is like a little paradise in your dreams. You can see it and it makes you happy, but does it really exist? It could, if enough people believe it exists it might as well, even if it doesn't pretending it does isn't a bad thing. Minecraft just happens to be there sitting in my computer waiting for me. Whenever I feel like connecting to a world, where people fight along side you and build incredible structures that could never exist in real life I just happen to have my little escape, my portal, just one click away.

Minecraft Has Brought Many Things to This World.

Minecraft has brought so much more talent in the world, it has inspired people to do so many things. Many people have learned code and have learned how to create art, just so they could make a mod or create their ideal skin. There are many great things that have come from Minecraft that take place outside of the virtual world, one of these things would be Minecon. Minecon unites many players from Minecraft and allows for new friendships, some that may even last for as long as a lifetime. Outside of Minecraft you could be treated like a loser, but once you log in you know there would be people waiting for you to lead them into battle, people that put their trust in you. Many people view Minecraft as a tool used for acquiring money, I personally see nothing wrong with that, Minecraft can be anything if you really thing about, it can be a phone allowing people to get in touch or it can be a brain test testing out your reflexes. In other words, i'm saying that I look at Minecraft as an Universal tool. Minecraft has led to many things, and ended many things. Started many friendships and ended many rivalries. Well anyways, lets end this part of the writing and get started with some things that I happen to like in Minecraft.

Some Stuff About My Minecraft Life.

I have done many things in Minecraft and done many things outside of Minecraft that are related to Minecraft. First I'll start with what i've done outside of Minecraft. I do a lot of skinning. I'm not that talented right now, but this is the one hobby that I won't give up. My longest lasting lobby other than skinning only lasted a week, but I've been skinning for years now, just recently have I started posting skins the skins I make. When I wanted to learn more about the Minecraft community I interviewed a few people to see different views on different things regarding the game, I then truly understood that nobody plays Minecraft the same way, everyone has their own way of playing. I use Minecraft to play many different game genres, I battle as a gladiator and build in a quick build competition, I solve puzzles and I jump from block to block not looking down (because I don't want to die). Other than that I play the game because it brings me closer to my siblings and it makes me happy. Well that was it, I hoped you enjoyed reading this.

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08/02/2016 7:10 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
cirrus-mc's Avatar
I actually would have to disagree. I think the picture separates the text in an unnecessary way, and doesn't really relate to much of the blog. Maybe try formatting a bit? Separating your text into paragraphs and adding headers can be a good way to lead the eye from one thought to the next. That's just my opinion, anyway. Happy Minecrafting!
08/02/2016 7:32 pm
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
StarmanZero's Avatar
Thanks for telling me, looks nicer now
08/03/2016 4:55 pm
Level 48 : Master Architect
cirrus-mc's Avatar
That definitely breaks the space up better and lets you know where your eye should go. Good job! I'll be posting my blog sometime this week. :)
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