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What Makes A Good Title & Thumbnail.

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ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar ThatCobblestoneGuy
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
Hello Fellow Members of PMC! :)

Yes, I am aware that is is quite the controversial topic, but sometimes these topics need to be discussed. The topics I will be discussing today are titles, and thumbnails. If you are a little confused as to what I mean, then it is best recommended that you read on. (feel free to disagree, disagreement is natural)

What Makes A Proper Title

Some titles out there are actually outstanding, titles take no time or effort at all. But some are just that lazy that they make their title, look horrible. Like spelling errors, lack of punctuation and titles like these stand out - negatively.

So I am going to list all the things that I believe should be included in a title, and make your blog positively stand out.

The things that make a proper title are:

Punctuation - Punctuation plays a major role in titles, and titles without punctuation stand out, negatively of course. If you don't add simple things like comas, slashes, apostrophes, colon's, brackets etc. The list could go on for ages.

Spelling - spelling errors are common in some titles, and it makes the post seem unprofessional and no effort put into it. If the work doesn't look fully correct, perhaps check it, with a dictionary, or the web.

Capital Letters - I am aware that this is a form of punctuation, but I think it could be better use separating them. What I mean by capital letters, is adding capital letters at the start of words, sometimes this is in't necessary, sometimes it is.

Things That Make A Proper Thumbnail

Please note that these tips are along the lines of yesterdays blog.

I believe that some people post the most unrelated, stupidest thumbnails ever. Not to make those people sound like idiots or anything, but I believe this needs to change.

Some people don't bother making a thumbnail, so they select a random picture that totally unrelated to the blog. I see thumbnails of call of duty logos when they are taking about mobs, or pictures of monkeys when its an interview.

It makes me believe - "okay, they cant be bothered getting a decent thumbnail, probably means that they couldn't be bothered putting effort into the blog"

This is actually mainly the case, the blog's tend to be effortless. So if you want people to actually click on your post, you will need a decent enough thumbnail.

If you don't have an editor (most computers do), go on the internet and find a picture that is RELATED to your post atleast. These thumbnails don't disturb me. But the ones with pictures completely off topic really do.

Here are the tips needed to have a decent thumbnail:

Titles, Subtitles: Titles in the centre of your thumbnail really make it more outstanding. They see that you actually created the thumbnail, meaning that if they put effort into the thumbnail - they most likely put effort into their post.

Sub(sub)titles should be added as well, if you don't know what I mean look at my thumbnails. A sub-sub title should mainly be "A Blog By..." Or "A Tutorial By..." etc.

Pictures: No, not random pictures - pictures related to your subject. If you are perhaps talking about enchantments, add a photo of bottles o' enchant, or an enchantment table!

If you are talking about potions, add photos of potions, taking about mobs? add photos of mobs! Its that simple - and it makes your thumbnail more outstanding

Colour: Make it nice and colourful, perhaps a colourful heading. Make sure that the titles are different colours, or else it looks unprofessional, or more just - weird. You get the point right? Also if you want to add colour to your background, it is best recommended that you give it a gradient effect. (I can't do this, due to my editor)


In conclusion, I believe that if you put effort into your post, it is best that you put effort into your title and thumbnail.

If the post has an off topic thumbnail, or no thumbnail at all, the post want look as attractive, this applies to lazy titles as well.

Remember - people only see the title and thumbnail first before they click on the post, and if it looks professional, they may consider clicking on it!

Thank you for reading.

Make sure to diamond if you liked, favourite if you loved, and subscribe if you want more content.

CreditSoccerKidJT For the idea of centring my text, Also anyone who originally posted a blog like this.

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01/01/2014 9:06 pm
Level 22 : Expert Mage
Skylar1541+'s Avatar
"sometimes this is in't necessary," weren't you just talking about punctuation a second ago? I just wanted to point out that you put 'is in't' instead of 'isn't'. Good blog though!
12/31/2013 10:19 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
You need to capitalize all words in a title except small ones like of.
12/31/2013 6:16 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Nice blog man! Maybe add in a bit about titles and thumbnails for projects too as we'll as just blogs. Presentation is a huge part of a build.
12/31/2013 5:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
My tutorial about name tags has a thumbnail of chickens =^/ I'M SORRY
12/31/2013 12:19 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Architect
BPXRockU's Avatar
Nice blog, another great blog from ThatCobblestoneGuy! Subscribed! Diamond to you!

BTW: Thanks for the diamond on my first blog :D
12/30/2013 7:54 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
Nice, I believe this issue hasn't been properly addressed, and this really annoys me when I see unrelated thumbnails on blogs.
12/30/2013 7:58 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar
Your agreeing with me on something? Now thats different...
12/31/2013 11:48 am
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Modder
jobicade's Avatar
Slightly ironic there :P "Your"
12/30/2013 7:53 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
callistokrats's Avatar
I'll admit a lot of my blogs have off topic pictures...
i'm sorry...
Nice blog :D
12/30/2013 7:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Nether Knight
SoccerkidJT-7's Avatar
Nice blog! Im glad you got an idea from my blogs, and I agree with this blog.
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