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What it's like to have an internet best friend.

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GirlySlaysGaming360's Avatar GirlySlaysGaming360
Level 1 : New Crafter
Heyyyy~ Mira here!

Today I'm talking about my internet best friends. Now these aren't any ordinary best friends... These are friends that understand, cherish, take care, and stand up for me. My friend got cyber bullied and I was there right by her side. I hope to meet up with her one day! I just want to hug her so tight and never let her go. She says I'm her best friend too and we do everything together. We like the same games! LOVE the same music! and even think of the same thoughts. She may just be an avatar on a screen but she's much more. She's a friend, human being, my #1 supporter, and my big sister. Nothing will ever tear us apart. I hope she sees this!

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