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What Is Your Impact On PMC? [Pop-Reel]

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ImAnthony's Avatar ImAnthony
Level 26 : Expert Architect
)Where Is PMC Headed?(

     The answer to this question mainly depends on the community. Without us (the members) PMC would not be where it is today. This website is the threshhold for creativity and imagination in Minecraft. It is a place where players from around the planet (pun intended) are able to publish their works. (Blogs, Projects, Skins, Resource Packs, etc.) The staff of the PMC website are a nuisance in some eyes but an aid in most. I adore this community for the inspiration and power it holds over Minecraft.

)The Community(

      A wide variety of multi-cultural Minecraft players that control and create the future path for PlanetMinecraft. The people that are depended on to lead this family in the right direction.  The authors of many great works, the builders of many beautiful projects, and the artists of many amazing pieces of art. Though some members may be above the other few, disallowing the smaller members to become noticed. The heartbeat of this website relies on the hard working members, us.

)The Staff(

     The law enforcers of PlanetMinecraft. Keeping the community under control an safe from trolls and rule-breakers. Keeping this website a safehaven for players of all ages, these law enforcers tend to do their job wonderfully. They assure that no work is stolen and that all credit for the creativity is kept in the arms of the beholder. Though, some staff may be thought of otherwise. They are the reason that we do not have to worry about unwanted members ruining our community. The members of PMC rely on them to keep PMC safe from offenders.

)The Creativity(

     Looking through PMC, you will find, undoubtly, breath-taking creations of all types. Most members that invest their time and energy into works of their own, enjoy recieving positive (sometimes negative) feedback. This allows them to become a better Minecrafter and a better person in general. Some of us publish on the website simply to gain popularity. Then again, most of us understand what publishing works is actually meant for, connecting with others and displaying your talent. This is what we all come to this website for, creativity and inspiration.


     Hello there fellow members, looking good today ;). I wrote this blog simply to bring attention to other members eyes, how important they are and what type of impact each one of them has on the community and the website. Without all of us, the members and staff, and our works, this website would be a ghost town. I am glad to be apart of a loving and creative community such as this one. I hope to see more wonderful works from all of you <3.

 Agree? Write a comment stating your opinion! All comments are accepted. Be sure to keep it clean and polite. Have a good day everyone!

Please, if you have the time, diamond this post and spread the word about it. 
Helps me out so much :)


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04/04/2015 9:04 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
mick_5's Avatar
Well said and actually what you say is very true it is good there is so much passion for minecraft. And mapmakers and builders ,blogs ,skins and tex paks all keep the community going .Hopefully way into the future
04/04/2015 5:04 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
Reddt's Avatar
I flipping love this!

Way better then what I could make!
03/29/2015 9:28 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
The_Masked_Gamer_09's Avatar
Day I love Most
June 9th
01/07/2015 2:22 pm
Level 20 : Expert Button Pusher
devonkeith's Avatar
Nicely said.
12/13/2014 10:40 am
Level 26 : Expert Architect
ImAnthony's Avatar
Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful support on this blog! There are more to come. Subscribe if you don't want to miss out :D Have a good day <3
12/03/2014 6:53 pm
Level 42 : Master Mage
Endersteve's Avatar
Like most people i feel like i make an epic impact on everyone.
Just kidding, they nor i don't make any impact what so ever on anything but it's what others like from that person that is the impact, the person might be a massive idiot but makes fun things for everyone.
12/02/2014 7:04 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Reer123's Avatar
I make maps, for my time. It's actually fun because I've been contacted by people who want to create servers etc. about making maps. :)
12/02/2014 6:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
ImAnthony's Avatar
Thank you everyone for the large amount of support I have recieved on this blog! You guys are making my day! <3 <3 <3
12/02/2014 10:28 am
Level 45 : Master Architect
CrankerMan's Avatar
"a safehaven for players of all ages" my favourite part xD

And my impact is only in the Projects section ... I think the renders i did/do for many people did change some things. Neither completely good nor bad. They can make something very good look even better. But I think nowadays the presentation of a project is sometimes more important than the actual building ... which is kind of sad.
12/02/2014 6:36 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
ImAnthony's Avatar
Hehe I'm glad you enjoyed that part :).

I agree that most of the time the presentation does have a bigger impact. This also makes sense considering it is the first thing that people see, but it shouldn't be what they judge the actual project on.
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