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"Welcome back, Blackbird"

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PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft
Level 71 : Legendary Elf Artist
` This is actually an older story of mine, I just did a few edits ^_^ I'm going to try and start writing more again, so maybe a few more blogs will be coming up soon!

  I finally died. After being chased by them for years, narrowly avoiding them at every stop, they finally caught up to me. And killed me. Death wasn’t what I fully expected it to be, either.
Weren’t you supposed to be greeted by angels or something along those lines? I hadn’t really ever paid attention to my father’s preaches. But I’m pretty sure he had said Heaven would be light. Not pitch black.
  Another thing I found surprising about death was that it was pretty empty. Actually, no, it was completely empty. No other lost souls. Just me, a body floating in a black void. I swirled my arms in the air experimentally. Was there any movement? Nothing that I could tell. I could be falling. I could be floating. I could be swirling around in a great vortex. Probably wouldn't be able to tell.
  Death, so far, has been very boring.
  Gives you too much time to think about all the things you could have done well in your life.
  Gives you too much time to think about all the things you could have done differently.

  After a while, I wasn’t sure if I was really dead. I mean, it sure seemed like I was. Kinda. Still had that old wound in my leg that always bugged me at the wrong times. Still had that painful hangnail. Still remembered my own name.
Wait. Painful? You weren’t supposed to be able to feel when you were dead. So if I wasn’t dead, where was I? I couldn’t be in Astral, I had never learned how to get there properly. If I was truly in Astral, then I’d be stuck here forever. Alive. I’d been floating for a few hours at most, when I started hearing the voice. It echoed through the still air.
  “What are you doing there, silly?” Great. Now I was going insane. “You shouldn’t be in Astral. At least, not yet,”
  “I’m not going insane. I’m not going insane,” I mumbled to myself worriedly, “I’m not crazy,”
  “Yeah, you aren’t crazy. But you do have some pretty messed up memories in here,”
  “What?” I knew I didn’t have a great memory. And why did they say “in here”?

  “Whoa. These are some pretty altered memories,” the voice said again. I massaged my temples. I was definitely going crazy, and I couldn’t stop it. There was no way you could stop yourself from going crazy. “But we can deal with the memories later. First we gotta get you out of here,” Get me out?
  “How can you do that? You’re just someone I made up,”
  “Nope. I’m real. Just like you,” I took in some deep breaths. There was no way this voice was real. Because no one would ever want to help me in real life, even if I was stuck in Astral. I rubbed my head again. I felt a big migraine forming up. “Come back to us,” the voice whispered faintly.

  I bolted up and squinted as a bright light glared in my face.
  “Welcome back, Blackbird,”

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08/30/2020 3:59 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Loremaster
ShadowHunter42's Avatar
oh, I remember this! :D
its amazing, I definitely can't wait till you post more :D
08/30/2020 3:20 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
Oh wow! I remember reading this! I really liked it! Still do XD
08/30/2020 3:29 pm
She/Her • Level 71 : Legendary Elf Artist
PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar
Haha thanks!
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