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Whiteout-'s Avatar Whiteout-
Level 45 : Master Waffle
[​Of Creatures You've Seen So Far (Except the Wolf Mantis thing thats not shown yet)]
Creature Guide:

A Reptail is a type of elf, an elf with a green tail like a dragon, the tail has the ability to emit poison out of it. the elves have tan skin, commonly green eyes, rarely blue. With long pointy ears. Most of them are trained for battle. Every Reptail elf has blond hair. Their king is Goren Faecyne.

A Sunie is a type of elf, an elf with feathered golden ears, their skin is light gold, They have feathered bird-like tails, and feathered arms. Their arms can spread out feathers and turn into wings. The elves cannot fly, but glide. Most other species' think these elves are helpless little creatures, But no, they are actually quite smart, or at least most of them. Their queen is a dimwit though. Sunie elves' hair is either light blue or bronze like brown. Their queen is Shanaera Elarel.

The mysterious elves of the prophecies are unknown to most everyone, all that is known of them is from the prophecy receivers. They are spoken to glow brightly, their eyes are golden, they do not have tails. Their ears are small and spiked. Their clothing glows with the colors of an aurora. They all have long hair that glows golden. Everyone just calls them "The prophecy elves"

A Felie is a type of elf, They have cat-like tails, cat ears and sometimes stripes. They get their name because they are the most untrustworthy creatures in the land. They lie. Their skin is of any cat's fur would be like. As in orange, dusty colors, etc. These elves are not the type to trust, they will sell you out in a second. They all have hair which contains these three colors: black orange and white. The eyes of these elves are slits, mostly hazel colored eyes, sometimes orange. They have short fur covering all of their flesh. They can climb very easily. Their king is Hycis Magrieth.

[​Of Main Characters So Far]
Main Character Guide:

Vulen Reyrie is a Reptail Elf with green eyes. Vulen has a tall, lean body. Short spiky blond hair and carries a blade-like sword with her at all times. Best friends with Entryda.

Entryda Qinala is a Reptail Elf with blue eyes and blond hair. Her hair has a side shave. Entryda is short. Does not know how to battle at all. Best friends with Vulen.


Vulen treaded through the thick grass, threads of the grass hooked onto her legs. She tripped with a yelp, slicing the grass with a blade. Vulen began running, she heard a distant cry. "Entrydal!" She shouted, running faster than ever before. She stopped abruptly as she nearly ran off a cliff. She hurled herself down the cliff as she spotted a creature behind her. A creature she knew. The wind flipped her around madly. She held her blade above her, it caught onto a thick black root. She took deep breaths. "What a stupid idea!" She scolded herself. She heard the cry again and began gripping onto branches and climbing to the bottom of the foggy edge. As soon as she saw the ground she hopped down. "Entryda?" She called.

All she heard in return was the growl of the creature. But...how? The creature pelted toward her, it had the face of a wolf, and the body of a mantis. She ducked, the creature leapt over her. "What do you want?" She said to the creature in anger. It didn't reply. The fog began wrapping around her rapidly. The barrier! Of course.. She thought to herself. The barrier is a large canyon that wraps around the entire continent, Killing any living creature that dares to climb down. The creature wasn't effected. She struggled as the fog held her still. "Where is Entryda?" She said, curling her tail. The creature laughed.

"In the prison of the Sunie elves." It spoke. Vulen dropped her blade. "Those Sunie elves.." She spoke in disgust. "Hm." The creature grumbled. Vulen's eyelids were heavy. Why am I so tired? She asked herself silently. Her vision turned green. Everything was green. "Whats going on?" She snapped at the creature. It only stared. everything was drowned out by a sudden high-pitched noise in her head. "Aa-ahh!" She screamed confusedly. Suddenly, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. She stood on nothing. "Hello?" She called warily. She nearly jumped out of her skin as an elf appeared in front of her. she was like no elf she had ever seen. "Hello." The elf said back in a soft tone, making Vulen less worried. "Where am I?" Vulen asked.

The elf smiled. "Your in the peace." She said. Everything began slowly growing brighter. She squinted her eyes. "The peace?" She repeated, confused. The elf nodded. "We have chosen to follow you, we protected you from the barrier, we cannot help you again though. We will now just give our prophecies when needed." The elf finished. Vulen looked around, processing the words. "We?" She said in confusion. The elf nodded again, suddenly many more similar elves appeared. The light grew brighter, it burned her skin. She yelped out as she was engulfed in a pink flame. Vulen leapt up, her blade at the ready to battle. She lowered it as she realized she was fine. "What just happened?" She said to herself, her eyes widened in confusion. She walked around, a large oak stood behind her. She hopped branch-to-branch, soon reaching the top. She gasped. "This is the Sunie kingdom.." She said quietly. She decided to walk towards the palace. I must find Entryda! She spoke silently. The palace was almost like a spiked, golden mountain.

She arrived at the front of the palace. "This is not going to go well, is it." She mumbled to herself. There were no guards around the palace. She climbed up the side of the palace, it was like a staircase it was so easy. She continued to climb, nearly up to the top. Most creatures would have given up climbing by now, that's their defense. She realized.
Vulen plopped down to sit as soon as she reached the top. It was like watching a golden river from up here. The sun was setting, making everything look golden. "How beautiful.." She said in awe. Vulen stood up, and walked over to the hole in the roof. It is so dumb to put a sunlight! She grabbed the rope she had brought with her off her belt. Vulen tied it around a large spike placed for decoration. She tied the rope around her and began slipping down into the palace.

Lucky for Vulen there was a floor up here, so she barely even needed the rope. Vulen untied the rope from around her waist and began creeping around, searching for the prison. "Theres no one here.." She said in confusion. Vulen examined the whole floor, then stepped downstairs to the lower level. This level had a single Sunie elf guarding a door. Vulen snuck over to them. The guard noticed her and his arm feathers fluffed up in surprise. "Hi." She said, before whacking him over the head. The guard collapsed. Vulen spotted a strand of something gold, she used it to tie up the guard. She opened the door cautiously, it was the prison. It looked like a royal bedroom rather than a royal prison. Laying on the soft furniture was Entryda. "Oh, thank Goren!" Vulen exclaimed. "We need to get out of here now!" She said to Entryda.

They ran to the rope and climbed it quickly. Before they reached the top, something grabbed it and shook it around. It was the guard. Well that was horrible tying tools. Vulen said silently. The guard continued to try to knock them off. "Surrender by the will of Shanaera!" He spoke. Vulen snorted. "Ha! No." She grabbed Entryda's hand and helped pull her up with Vulen. They ran down the stairs quickly, the guard chased them. "What do we do when we reach the bottom of the palace?" Entryda yelled. Vulen looked over briefly. "Not sure." She said. Vulen's heart nearly stopped as she tripped on one of the stairs. She trembled and nearly fell, but someone caught her arm and saved her. "Entryda! Tha--" She stopped as she realized it was the guard. He held her by her arm, hanging her over the edge of the palace. She looked over to see Entryda being held by another guard. "You Reptail elves never learn, do you?" He said in disgust. She took out her blade sword. "Put us down." She threatened. The guard grinned. "Of course." He signaled to the other guard. They let go. Vulen and Entryda were dropped off the palace.

"AAAAHHH!" Entryda screamed. Vulen grabbed onto Entryda's arm and slammed her blade sword into the side of the palace, leaving huge scratch marks along the palace. They slowed down. Entryda looked around. "Now what?" She said, hanging below Vulen. "Uh..I'm not sure." She said. Vulen decided to try to climb down with her blade. She removed the blade from the palace and let them fall down closer to the ground before placing it again. "We can just down now." Said Vulen. They hopped onto the ground, Vulen put her blade sword away. Vulen jumped as she saw someone in front of her. "Hello." Said the Felie elf. "I'm Myrrh Glynwenys"

Ending the chapter right there. 2 days of writing it took to make this first chapter. I hope you enjoy what is made so far. :P

Ignore this it's just my reminders for future ideas [​I'll make it confusing and hard to read so u dont even try lol]
Felie trtr bkstb
Sinaht the snie

Art For The Story
By me, Whiteout-! :D [​It's Vulen]

Entryda By jellyfishh :PP

I would love to hear your favorite part of the story, so if you'd like please tell me! :D

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05/27/2020 11:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Enchanter
Culpeo's Avatar
Is good, but where are the foxes
05/27/2020 8:19 pm
Level 42 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
and where are the potatoes??
05/26/2020 6:51 pm
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar

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05/26/2020 9:12 pm
Level 42 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
is there a secret message? i ask cos i cant click all of them xc
05/27/2020 9:51 am
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
nope I was just bored out of my mind
05/26/2020 2:35 pm
Level 42 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
can i do fanart of this???
05/26/2020 2:47 pm
Level 45 : Master Waffle
Whiteout-'s Avatar
y E s :o
05/26/2020 4:24 pm
Level 42 : Master Button Pusher Droid
jellyfishh's Avatar
can u use the white version of Entryda? the colors look better
05/26/2020 2:11 pm
She/Her • Level 71 : Legendary Elf Artist
PersonWhoPlaysMinecraft's Avatar
as hfsadhfa;sjdfiahyeoa;h GOOD
Planet Minecraft


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