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Calydon123's Avatar Calydon123
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
I know for some of you New Years already happened, but for people in North and South America, it's about to happen!
So I thought to myself today, "What was the best of this year?"
Then I realized...What started this year?
And so I Goggled it, and here is what I remembered...

-Charlie Sheen goes crazy

- Japan gets totally destroyed (Again)

-Steve Jobs died

-A bunch of terrorists and dictators where killed (Osama Bin Laden, Gadafi, and Kim Jong II)

-Harry Potter ended (Q_Q)

-PlayStation Network was hacked

- Amy Whinehouse died

-Mythbusters messed up

-Libya uprising

-Egypt uprising

-Royal Wedding (Not that important)

-U.S.A. Ends Iraq war (Finally)

-Rise of The Planet Of The Apes came out

There are many more, but this is my list of most important. Then I thought, "What was my favorite movie?"
And I instantly realized that this year the new Planet of The Apes came out.. That thought ended quickly.

Then I thought one more thing..."What is the most voted best thing this year EVER?"
So tell me, what IS the best thing overall this year? From Music to People Dying.

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